Spike Ed wrote on 08 Apr 2018 17:39:
Thank you very much for this well thought out response. It really means allot to me. So a very hard question here but where do I start my path to Teshuva, I mean in a real concrete way as oppose to general ideas, I need a set path and rules. Also how do I balance the feeling of I need to get up and move on with the genuine regret and pain I'm supposed to feel as part of the teshuva process.
The root of the word חטא, sin, means to miss a target. A person strives to come close to Hashem, and if he sins, he missed the goal he was aiming for. The root of the word Teshuvah, is to return. Teshuvah is the process of returning, and coming closer to Hashem, and forging a stronger connection to HIM.
There are 4 main components of Teshuvah:
1) Stopping the misdeed. (עזיבת החטא)
2) Regret over our actions. (חרטה)
3) Verbally saying exactly what it was that we did wrong.(וידוי)
4) Committing to not repeat the sin. (קבלה על העתיד)
The sefer Sha'arey Teshuvah expands this to 20 steps.
The first is the easiest to understand, but may be the hardest to do. We need to stop our misbehavior.
The 2nd, requires us to feel genuine anguish over what we have done. This can be done by expounding on the following ideas: Hashem loves me so much. HE has provided for me since I was a fetus in my mother's womb. HE continues to provide for me every day. HE does not do this because HE owes me, but because HE loves me and cares for me, and wants me to have a relationship with HIM. How could I have disappointed so deeply someone who loves me that much? Hashem gave mankind the power to adapt and change HIS world for our needs. He wants us to do so. HE also wants us to acknowledge HIM, and to understand that despite everything that we do, it all comes from HIM. HE is trusting us to arrive at this conclusion. How could I have let HIM down after all the trust that he put in us?
This can take a more forceful approach. How dare I have violated HIS word?? HE continually provides for me, and at the very moment that HE is keeping me alive, I have violated HIS command? I have an opportunity to approach the All Powerful, All Seeing, All Knowing, the Infinite, and I walked the other way!? Either way, the feeling should be that I feel bad for what I have done, and genuinely want to come closer to Hashem
The 3rd requires us to verbally state what we have done wrong. This should be done as exactingly as we can.
The 4th step is a commitment to not be a repeat offender. On a practical level, that means analyzing where we went wrong, and taking concrete steps and instituting safeguards to avoid another mishap. Filtering one's devices or avoiding certain places are safeguards to prevent us from repeating the sin.
Also included in this, is learning the Halachos of whatever area one struggles with. This way he can know for certain what is permitted and what is prohibited. I heard in the name of R. Yisroel Salanter, that if a person has a difficulty in a certain area, he should learn in depth the laws of that topic. Gemara with Rishonim and Acharonim, Tur with Bais Yosef, Shulchan Aruch with appropriate commentaries (Shach, Taz, Magen Avraham, Sema, Chelkas Mechokek as applicable.), contemporary seforim and Teshuvos about the subject. This is a segulah to help a person overcome a struggle in a particular area.
One should also start a seder to learn mussar, to help regain the connection to Hashem. There are many seforim available in the original Hebrew, and with English translation. You can browse them, and find one that speaks to you.
Daven, daven, and then daven some more. Ask Hashem to help you return to him. Ask him for the wisdom to find strategies to fight the Yetzer. Ask him to give you strength to overcome hard challenges. A person who does this, even if he only starts this process, will feel a greater connection to Hashem. The sin that he did will actually be a catalyst for him to come closer to Hashem! Perhaps this is what Chazal meant when they said that a person's sins can become merits.
I hope this works. All the best! Everyone here is rooting for you. DON'T LET US DOWN!!!