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Help for Hebrew Speakers?
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TOPIC: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 1038 Views

Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 13:39 #26596

Surprisingly, I have heard the Rav of my very insular and very frum community (on two occasions recently) mention the dangers of the internet, and how people who appear to be Talmidei Chachamim are, in the privacy of their own home in the late night hours, are looking at forbidden things.

Apparantly, he is aware of the problem.

BUT, I suspect he does not know what sort of help is available.

Another problem is I live in an Israeli, Hebrew-speaking, community.  I don't know how much it would help to put up a notice to check out the GUE forum.

I feel like this might be an opportunity to offer some insights.  BUT, on the other hand, I feel like I'm still wallowing in the dirt trying to stay clean--I'm barely able to help myself right now.

What can I possibly do to enlighten a Hebrew-Speaking Rav of a Hebrew-speaking community?

Last Edit: 02 Nov 2009 13:47 by yfriedman.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 15:52 #26621

So far I seem to be alone on this one.  Here's a letter I came up with: (I don't know why, but one of the last paragraphs didn't come out right on this viewer.) 

לכבוד הרב שליט"א,

אני אברך מהאברכים בעיר שלנו.  שמעתי את הרב דורש ברבים כמה פעמים על סכנת האינטרנט.  אני מתרשם מאוד מהודאת הרב ברבים שיש בעיה כזו בקרבנו.  וגם אני, לצערי, נכשלתי בכמה איסורים כאלו מילדותי והייתי מתאבק בהם במשך כל ימי חיי.  ולפני כחצי שנה מצאתי פתרון ממומחים גדולים, שאני רוצה לספר עליו.  אולי הרב עדיין לא שמע על הדברים האלו.

בשביל כמה סיבות, יש לנו אינטרנט בבית ובשביל קדמות הטכנולוגיה, צרכנו לעבור לאינטרנט מהר.  אבל פחדנו מזה.  דברנו עם הרב שלנו, והוא אמר שאנחנו צריכים מסנן על המחשב שלנו.  הוא הביא לנו שמועות מחו"ל שהאינטרנט כבר הרס אלפי משפחות טובות מישראל (ה' ישמרנו).

אחר כך, מצאתי אתר על האינטרנט בהשגחת הרב אברהם טוורסקי.  האתר מלא סיפורים מאנשים שנפלו.  הם התחילו בקלי קלות, והסוף של הרבה מהם היה נפילה בחמורות שבחמורות, רח"ל.  והסוף האחרון—רפואה!  זה כולל משפחות שבורות לגמרי מתוקנות כחדש (ויותר טוב), ובחורים שקועים באיסורים חמורים במשך עשר שנים (וגם נשים) שהתרפאו.  עכשיו יש לכם חיים אחרים.

עיקר העיקרים שלהם היה להכיר אמיתת הבעיה.  זה אינו רק מדות רעות, או סתם נכשלים באיסורים.  האיסור הזה פועל אל האדם כיין לשיכור, או כסמים--אבל יותר חזק.  אין ברירה חופשית לעומת אותו התאווה.  אין שום ספר מוסר, ואין שום לימוד הלכה שיכולים לשבר את היצר הרע הזה.  הוא ממש חולה—הוא מכור.

מה כן עוזר?

באותו אתר אינטרנט (GuardUrEyes) יש הרבה חומר לעזור.  בפרט יש להם ספר הכולל ההשקפה הנכונה נגד היצר הזה, ועוד ספר אם פעולות לשמור מזה ולצאת מזה (אבל כל אותו החומר עדיין רק באנגלית).  יותר מזה, הם עושים חברה בין הנכשלים.  כל אחד עוזר לשני, וכל אחד מרגיש אחראי לשני.  הסוד הוא—לא היות בסתר אם היצר.

אני לא יודע בדיוק איך לעזור.  אבל הדבר הראשון הוא להכיר שהעניין הזה הוא חולי ממש.  בדרך כלל, הפתרון המצליח לזה הוא אותו המערכת המפורסמת שעוזרת לשיכורים—"תוכנית שנים עשר הצעדים".  אולי להקים חברה בסגנון הזה באזור שלנו יהי לתועלת גדולה.

ה' יעזרנו להסיר המכשול החמור הזה מקרבנו ויהי כל מחננו קדוש.


אברך החפץ בעילום שם
Last Edit: by cha22.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 16:49 #26633

  • g38
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It was one of my first emails to R' Guard, is there anything on the form in Hebrew, and I didn't get a reply so I understood that time is not ripe yet.

My simple suggestion would be to make another folder here in Hebrew, like we have for the wall of honor and beis hamedrash etc.

R' Guard wrote somewhere that it is in the pipeline but I believe it could start like that and eventually grow into an own site.

Of course I can only suggest.
Last Edit: by neshuma1.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 16:59 #26636

  • habib613
that's a really nice letter.
just wanted to know if you wanted to put R' shlachter's website in.
uri mentioned it once. it's hugme.co.il
i really have no time to read through the whole website (my hebrew reading is pretty slow), and the SA part requires you to sign in.
otherwise, it's looks like a good letter
and aren't there SA groups in Israel? i thought there were.
Last Edit: by ari123.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 19:31 #26657

dear Eye,
go for it!
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2009 19:42 by committed_togrowth.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 02 Nov 2009 22:14 #26688

  • the.guard
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Thank you Eye, that's a nice letter!!

We actually have a Hebrew forum, and Reb Shraga Shlachter offered to be the admin/moderator. (Hebrew is his first language)... He still needs to decide which boards he wants, and he was supposed to do that this week...

Meanwhile, there's only one post there... (It's a Hebrew translation of the preface to the GYE Handbook)...

Go ahead and post away. Maybe it will get Reb Shlachter to hurry up and arrange the boards...  

I also have some material in Hebrew... Someone offered to translate the Attitude Handbook into Hebrew and he translated the intro and the first 6 principles already... If anyone wants a copy, feel free to e-mail me! Oh, and I also have a nice article about GYE in Hebrew. Press here to see it. You can print it out and give it to any Rav you want!  :D

I am looking forward to having a Hebrew division of GYE... But I can't do much on my own. Whoever wants to volunteer to help with this, we'd be more than happy to hear suggestions.

P.S. Reb Shraga has a website in Hebrew called www.hugme.co.il for addictions, but it never really got off the ground (at least "yet").
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 02 Nov 2009 22:18 by DeletedUser12750.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 01:19 #26708

  • noorah bamram
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Go for it Eye!!
Makom heneechu lchoh min hashamaim ........beautiful and  cogent letter! Send it don't hesitate

[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by galy.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 11:49 #26731

  • g38
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I tried to enter the hebrew part with my GYE user name and password, but it wouldn't let me :'(.

Any reason why?
Last Edit: by looking4.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 12:11 #26732

  • the.guard
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G38 wrote on 03 Nov 2009 11:49:

I tried to enter the hebrew part with my GYE user name and password, but it wouldn't let me :'(.

Any reason why?

Meanwhile, it's not connected to this forum, so your username and password here won't work. It's an entirely different forum. You need to sign up first.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by simbimlim.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 12:40 #26736

  • g38
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Hey, where are your payes?

Yesterday you had them out?
Last Edit: by alvaro.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 12:49 #26738

I delivered the letter this morning.

Kinda' weird waiting for some sort of response for an anonymous letter!

Let's see what happens.

Last Edit: by bluestringz.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 13:11 #26745

  • g38
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R' Guard

My Hebrew is passable and if you need help I would like to do my share.
Last Edit: by avraham2791.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 03 Nov 2009 23:28 #26826

  • Giant Leap
guardureyes wrote on 02 Nov 2009 22:14:

Thank you Eye, that's a nice letter!!

We actually have a Hebrew forum, and Reb Shraga Shlachter offered to be the admin/moderator. (Hebrew is his first language)... He still needs to decide which boards he wants, and he was supposed to do that this week...

Meanwhile, there's only one post there... (It's a Hebrew translation of the preface to the GYE Handbook)...

Go ahead and post away. Maybe it will get Reb Shlachter to hurry up and arrange the boards...  

I also have some material in Hebrew... Someone offered to translate the Attitude Handbook into Hebrew and he translated the intro and the first 6 principles already... If anyone wants a copy, feel free to e-mail me! Oh, and I also have a nice article about GYE in Hebrew. Press here to see it. You can print it out and give it to any Rav you want!  :D

I am looking forward to having a Hebrew division of GYE... But I can't do much on my own. Whoever wants to volunteer to help with this, we'd be more than happy to hear suggestions.

P.S. Reb Shraga has a website in Hebrew called www.hugme.co.il for addictions, but it never really got off the ground (at least "yet").

R' Guard,

I'm sure you are extremely busy with running this site, but do you have any plans in the future to broaden this network to using other languages? Yidd
ish? Russian, Spanish, French etc..?
Last Edit: by qwertya.

Re: Help for Hebrew Speakers? 04 Nov 2009 13:15 #26862

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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I'm sure you are extremely busy with running this site, but do you have any plans in the future to broaden this network to using other languages? Yidd
ish? Russian, Spanish, French etc..?

A quote from "In Conclusion" of the GYE Handbook:

We fervently hope that this handbook (along with the “GYE Attitude Handbook”) will ultimately evolve into a published book that will provide hope and guidance to thousands of religious Jews around the world who may suffer from Lust addiction. And we also hope that our message will one day be translated into other languages as well, such as Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French and more!

I have a dream...  ... One day... When the millions start coming in and we start opening centers around the world... ;D 
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by lionpeace.
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