b'ahava wrote on 29 Dec 2009 23:53:
imtrying25 wrote on 29 Dec 2009 23:12:
Hows my very loving brother b'ahava doing?? We miss you bro.
I wish I felt better. I pray that God would just make me feel better.
But nothings helping.
I'm just sulking around feeling bad for myself. When was the last time I did anything useful with my life? I can't remember.
My bed time keeps getting pushed back later and later.
7:30am last night. AM. It was light outside.
I'm full of so much discontent with myself. I keep looking for an easy out, and there is none.
These feelings have been here for a few weeks, but I always managed to feel better the next day, convince myself that I'd snapped out of it, that I was back.
I'm losing hope now.
I can't figure this out.
I've tried everything and nothings helping.
I'm sorry. You guys shouldn't have to deal with this. I don't deserve you.
and dov, i'm sorry dude. but i cant focus on avodat hashem right now.
i need to get my head straight right now.
i dont think i've ever placed anything above avodat hashem (b'shita) in my life before.
thats how f***ed up i' am right now.
thanks for asking about me. i've been totally numb to the world since shabbat.
but i'm crying my eyes out right now.
at least i can feel SOMETHING.
What RATM wrote is so precious.
I have felt horrible before, and have placed many things before avodas Hashem many times, even since getting sober.
Sometimes I need to just do what's best for me. Trouble is, when I'm ill, I can't see what could possibly be good for
Sometimes it's nice just to see that my emotional state is so terribly affected by acting out. At least it's not over something relatively meaningless like losing a game, falling on my face, or having bad diarrhea. It's nice to know my sick heart is at least has
something like the right priorities...
There ain't no easy way out, really. Sorry. I love you, and so do many others, but there is still no way for anyone to do it for me. No easy way out for me. I am an addict. Something's gotta give.
It doesn't seem to work at all when I ask Hashem to "take it away so that I will not have to give it up!".
It feels like I need to let go of part of my
self to get free. Sometimes it's the expectation of happiness today. Sometimes it's something else.
I have faith that if I work a real program I will get better and stay sober today with Hashem's help. And I do it with hopes that I'll do good for something and someone, someday. I have faith that that day will come.
Sometimes we just have to hurt. You are not alone in that, as long as you share it. Please keep sharing it.