Dear, sweet b'ahava,
Even though my general approach to this entire issue is very different than yours, I'll leave that and my opinions completely out here, be"H, and here are some thoughts that may be for you: (all mine are in blue print, yours are in black)
What am I supposed to do now? What am I supposed to feel?
What you feel is what you feel. Facing yourself - screwy feelings and all - is always, always, always a tremendous gift. Even if your feelings are still what you might call "stupid".
On the other hand, feelings are just feelings and not reality, as my sponsor (annoyingly) says to me when I take myself and what i am feeling too seriously. Sometimes, like when you realize things like There's too much in my head right now it's a really bad time to focus on changing our feelings. It may not sound very nice, but: Too bad. This is how you are feeling. But hey, that's all. The way we feel about things is not necessarily the truth about things, at all! Admitting that is huge for me, so I'm sharing it with you.
I'm sad. I feel hopeless. I'm crying over a sin for the first time in my life. Wow. You may be having an 'episode' of some true yir'as cheit for the first time in your life. I'd give you a hug (with Uri if possible), a mazel tov, and hug you again...if you didn't mind, that is....
I'm thinking about how to break the news to my friend, and how I will ever approach my Rebbi again. Hey - what we did is not going to change. We did it. Not facing or admitting it will not help anyone, least of all ourselves. Yeah, I feel like running and hiding from myself every time i screw up in some way....but that's just a feeling, not reality. I do not really need to do that, at all. Admitting the truth to a safe person is often the very best thing we can do for ourselves, in every respect - including helping us feel better! So, given all the facts, you are a lucky guy right now.
What do I do? Do I force myself to go to sleep and think about this later? It feels like that's what got me here in the first place.
Yow! A zinger! Surely, it was! I'll rephrase with some help from an AA old-timer, "We can't think ourselves into right living. We can only live ourselves into right thinking." You seem to have the same experience.
Ashrecha, b'ahava!