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TOPIC: Dreams 1864 Views

Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:08 #23610

  • Rage AT Machine
I dont believe that dreams mean anything in prophesy...yaakov's dream and yosef's dreams had meanings and so did pharoah's but anyone since? probably not...the gemarah is berachot says as much...

but they do make me suffer horribly...

So I dont know if this is the right venue for this but i think my horrible dreams may be related to my addiction...sharing is what this is all about, anyway, no? so here's my dream from last night...tell me if you can decipher the conspiracy against me that is being planned by my id, my ego and my super ego...

please feel free post your (not triggering) dream here and the rest of us:

So I’m walking along a street in the South...it looked like a Florida street but it wasn’t Miami...very rural...and I see a very sick mountain lion dying on the sidewalk...it has shed a lot of its hair and is feeble...its head is falling and its barely alive...i am scared of the lion even though its about to die so i decide to walk into a store to call the authorities to come remove the lion...i walk into a nearby store and its being operated by two israelis...they don’t understand what im saying in english so i switch to hebrew....as i tell them about the dying lion, i see that on the sidewalk two other healthy lions have appeared by the side of the dying lying and they’re helping the dying lion get up...one of the lions is a male african with a mane...the three lions then get up and start pushing against the door as they try to get into the store...i am horrified...i scream at the israelis to call 911...instead they decide to throw little bits of schwarma at the lions to appease them...i am horrified as the lions are breaking in...the african lion gets in first and it runs up to me and pressed its head against my stomach...it wants to be petted...i realize that african lions are not native to southern u.s. and decide the lion escaped from a circus...that why hes not eating me...i am still horrified as the other two wild lions are breaking in....i look into the store and i see my baby son sitting on the floor...i begin to scream...

i wake up

any ideas?
Last Edit: by anu_rayasecha.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:15 #23612

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1706
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im going to consult with some freudian experts and i will get back to you,
maybe you went to the zoo or circus recently with your son and saw the lions?
Last Edit: 15 Oct 2009 13:29 by ben1.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:19 #23616

  • habib613
so really, you're supposed to immediately interpret dreams for the good.
so i really really don't have any experiance with this.
k, lets say lions are your fear, right?
and what do most of us fear most? completely unfiltered internet access, biyichud (so many nightmares about that)
so lets say you are scared of this lion, and when it finall breaks into the store (where you have a lot of company from the holy land), you see it's not really scary at all! it's just like a big cute teddy bear. it's GUE!!!
it's our savior on the internet, our home.
and you're still scared of the other lions, which is fine, because you know what, in this day and age, it's hard to protect our kids from the internet.
but lets say the dream continued. the lions break in. all of a sudden, this big, strong lion tears the other two lions apart. and you're saved!!
and i'm not sure about the schwarma.
so really, that scary dream is just a manifestation of what's happening in your real life
and how much you love and appreciate GYE.
not so scary after all, huh?
Last Edit: by gab.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:21 #23618

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1706
  • Karma: 1
if i may say,
that's a good pshat!!
Last Edit: by elishevas.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:26 #23620

  • habib613
oh, and i just realized!!
the two israeli men could be throwing POSTS!!!
schwarma are inspirational, DIE YH DIE, and FELL SHMELL posts!!
but not so sure why there where only two israeli guys...
Last Edit: by qq.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:26 #23621

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
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it ind of gave me the chills to read that. I usually dont take dreams too seriously because I have no idea how to interpret dreams, unless its a recurriing dream. If you want an explanation in relation to our situations this can be it: The hurting lion is anyone of us who just had a fall. The other lions are the rest of picking him up after his fall. You in the story are the outside world. You see a hurt lion and are still scared of it because you failed to see the injury, you just saw his claws and teeth, or our addiction. The zoo is iur crazy world in which we are caged and trapped and we cant be in the outside world becuase we are just too different. The location in a rural area represents teh Galus that we are in. The Israeli store represents teh Kibutz Galiyos that will happen once the lion heals its wound. The reason that the lions are not trying to rip you apart is because they just want to help their fellow lion and bring him back to the zoo because they cant live in this world like other people without this addiction. not reallly sure what ur son has to do with it.

Again this is not my attempt to interpret the dream, just to maybe give an understanding and how we can relate to our situations.

Last Edit: by kingsman.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 13:28 #23623

  • habib613
that's a good one too!
never would thought of that
Last Edit: by ben1.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 14:42 #23660

  • Rage AT Machine
you know what the weird thing about my dreams? im always very very scared in them...it could be as benign as im dreamin about listening to the latest peral jam album or having an ice cream but its still this big horror and fear that descends upon me during the dream...(although in the case of the peral jam, every track but the second and the ninth would justify said fear)...

Genesis 15:12

וַיְהִי הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ לָבוֹא, וְתַרְדֵּמָה נָפְלָה עַל-אַבְרָם; וְהִנֵּה אֵימָה חֲשֵׁכָה גְדֹלָה, נֹפֶלֶת עָלָיו.
Last Edit: by abcdef12345.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 14:57 #23671

  • jerusalemsexaddict
1)In your sleep, you are not in control (which is very scary)
2)Your subconcious needs and fears come up (very scary)
3Stop reading those stupid horror books right before you go to sleep!
Last Edit: by ywett.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 15:05 #23673

  • bardichev

Last Edit: by msb.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 15:16 #23677

  • Rage AT Machine
bardichev wrote on 15 Oct 2009 15:05:



as beavis once wisely said, "I'm there, dude."  is it byow?
Last Edit: by halpern.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 15:20 #23680

  • bardichev

Last Edit: by .

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 15:50 #23684

I once had a dream that was extremely real and extremely frightening and I woke up screaming, which doesn't happen often.  I asked about it and was told not to worry unless the dream repeats itself.  (It didn't)

Last Edit: by 123gye.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 16:33 #23690

  • MARK
i was reading your post i sounded intresting (a little scary) however when you got to the
part of the Israeli's throwing shwarma at it....i was laughing out loud. that is awesome
you know i think its something that would actually do it that really happened.
the maharsha says, that most dreams these days do not mean anything.
its just your brain in overcharge..
that being said,
if a dream feels and seems realistic (in your case its not or at least does not sound realistic)
than perhaps look into the meaning.
thanks for the laugh!!!
Last Edit: by yehonasan.

Re: Dreams 15 Oct 2009 16:44 #23692

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
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dreams can be so powerful that they could derail your functioning properly in a very severe way.

there was one point when I was having trouble with disturbing dreams and used to wake up very shaken.

was told to ignore them completely

often it's the yetzer harah driving you nuts

because Hashem tell us how we think,speak,and act while we are AWAKE.-that's what counts

so if you handled the day right,asked Hashem to forgive you for any of those backslidings of the day before you go to sleep-then you are at peace.

and whatever hell the dream brings,it's over and done with,it's a new day when you open your eyes and Modeh Ani......
Last Edit: by hashemloves me.
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