Shalom Overwait,
There is an excellent sex addiction therapist who could do amazing things for your son.
He is Israeli and really knows his stuff.
Rabbi Shraga Shlachter (English and Hebrew Speaker)
Israel Sexual addiction Treatment Center
Working with sexual addiction in the frum community for many years.
Trained in the 12-Steps (and author of the book "The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life")
Also helps couples deal with a spouse who is addicted (and general marriage counseling as well)
Low Rates
Cell: 052-6923065. (Answers this number Sunday and Wed from 9-10 PM)
The number is only in use during the above hours. All other times, please leave a message and he'll get back to you
If you need to speak urgently with him, write him an e-mail
(or write to and I can ask him if I can pass his regular number on to you).
E-Mail: or
Situated in Ramot or Kiryat Yovel There are several hebrew speakers on the site,and I'll see what I can find for your son.
My hebrew is decent,and if your son really wants someone to speak to dachuf,then email me and I'll get in touch with him.
You've come to the right place.Don't worry

Your son will be taken care of.
Chag Sameach and let us know if you get in touch with Rav Shlachter.
He responds pretty quickly to emails,so I would suggest to your son to email him.
Good luck and keep us posted