What follows has helped me very much in this are especially as it relates to my wife:
I've shared with her the Talmudic stories about the sages who didn't trust themselves when it came to the temptation of the flesh and some almost succumbed. Especially the story of Reb Amram chasida found in the Talmud kiddushin 81. It is now that I'm not embarrassed to say that I'm "only human" and don't trust myself.
I haven't shared with her the "gory and sad" details of all my past falls, (could be she knows, as they say the wife always knows

) that wouldn't be fair to her and at this point counterproductive.
So in short, GYE is "just"

a site for chizuk and encouragement for what is turning our to be the "test" of our generation! No need to advertise our participation and membership (as the Psalmist says "fortunate is he who covers up his sins") but no need to be paranoid about deleting the history either
Much love