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can't sleep out of fear of this happening again.
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TOPIC: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 1160 Views

can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 08:45 #18670

  • MaalinBKodesh
Last Edit: 17 May 2010 04:26 by .

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 09:30 #18672

  • Momo
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If you have a nocturnal emission not caused by thoughts you had during the day, it's not your fault! You have nothing to be ashamed or worried about. The body has to naturally remove substances it doesn't need, like urinating.

I agree that having one on Y"K sucks, but the week of R"H? Not a problem. To feel better, say Tikul HaKlali and go to the mikveh before R"H.

If you think lustful thoughts all day and then have an emission that night, that's a different story. Then, you are doing it to yourself, not HaShem.

Your brother in recovery,
Last Edit: 17 Sep 2009 09:43 by markw.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 10:15 #18675

  • g38
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If you are not a bochur you may want to look in the sidur of R' Yakov Emdin for Friday night.
He explains there that it is a human need to dispose of the extra seed.

You may refrain from eating those things that increase the amount of seed before you go to bed, like 2 hours before it.

Did you try the first 4 kapitlech in Tehilim?
Last Edit: by wantstobepure.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 15:19 #18730

  • me3
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It can also come from eating too much, which often happens before Yom Kippur, so althogh this is difficult advice to give, don't stuff yourself before the fast.  But please do sleep otherwise you will no be able to daven properly.

All the best
Last Edit: by mango26.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 15:22 #18731

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Its not a crazy thing to stay up al night. If I am not mistaken, the Kohen Gadol would stay up all night in order not to be pogem. We see that even the KOHEN GADOL(!!!!), the holliest Jew, is able to be shichvat zera levatala in his sleep and therefore nobody is safe at this time.

Have a chsima vechasima tova
Last Edit: by sufferingservant.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 16:34 #18747

  • kanesher
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I assume the you're referring to the Gemara in Yuma that says that if a person has a Keri on Yom Kippur - he should fear death the entire year, and if he doesn't die, he has unique zechusim.

However, the Stiepler (first chelek, it's also brought in the Piskey Teshuvos on Mishnah Berurah, with a number of other sources) that this only applies if the Keri didn't happent for any natural reason - hence, he says, the entire Gemara doesn't apply to anyone unmarried or under forty!

So chill man. It's natural, and R' Wolbe writes that when it happens w/o a dream, it's mamish zero. Keep working on the waking moments and FORGET about mikrah laylah.
Last Edit: by moishgye.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 17 Sep 2009 20:41 #18835

  • kedusha
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If it happens while you're sleeping, that's not considered being "Pogeim."

Don't worry about it happening on Yom Kippur - it's unlikely, and out of your control.  Also, there is no need to restrict eating before Yom Kippur (it's a Mitzvah to eat on Erev YK, after all), since the food should be well digested by the time you go to sleep.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by albertson 64.

Re: can't sleep out of fear of this happening again. 18 Sep 2009 13:14 #18960

  • kedusha
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Three is one week is unusual, but it's not your concern.  Try not to worry; as you say, the worry may be contributing to it.

Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by bhairav.
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