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This is something Iv written on our ssubject
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TOPIC: This is something Iv written on our ssubject 1432 Views

This is something Iv written on our ssubject 31 Aug 2009 21:14 #14990

  • levite
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Love… Unconditional Acceptance
Infinite compassion…. Unending Bounty

These are our needs. These are what we thirst for these are what we are seeking. As mortals to be loved and be the recipients of compassion and as beings formed in the form of the only immortal, to love and to be compassionate.
This is how the creation was built to be and this is how the whole universe started its trail and how the world keeps to this very day. These are the foundation stones of the creation the very core of the universe the heartbeat of this world. The creation was built with a love and compassion instilled in it by g-d. And it is these g-dly traits that keep the creation every second of its existence “"ובטובו מחדש בכל יום תמיד מעשה בראשית
This world has an inbuilt thirst for love  but this love needs to be received from the right place and if it is from the right place this world transcends to a place of utmost beauty a place where heaven meets earth and a true garden of Eden. The whole creation lies in the laps of g-ds love and compassion "האם יש אהבה כאהבת הממציא כל האהבות והנאהבים של כל העולמות (רבי נחמן מברסלב)" 
When the love that is so much needed is swapped for physical desires for pseudo enjoyments the whole world turns into a hellhole, high hopes that where carefully planned and dreamed of dash themselves on beds of razor teethed rocks. A longing to taste sweet nectar and tasting gall, it's as if we have sold our souls our very innermost desires the very blood streaming through our veins to the devil.
This is what has happened now at the end of the timescale set for the creation as we know it. Humanity as a whole has been swept into the current of seeking our basic desires elsewhere and………… crashed.
How did this happen? 
"אילו היינו יודעים גודל האהבה שאוהב אותנו הקב"ה היינו להוטים אחריו כאריות (זוהר פרשת שמות)" ""If we would only"….. But we don’t know.
Why are we so far from the creator?
Why do we want to swap his love, eternal love, with other loves that evaporate in front of our eyes?
The reason is that we don’t believe that he truly loves us.
(מלאכי א) "  ואמרתם במה אהבתנו ,אהבתי אתכם אמר ה" w
We are full of questions and complaints. If we would give the right of verbal expression to the inner recesses of our hearts we would hear a heartrending cry. The heart cannot cope with the amount of pain and suffering it sees in the creation. Why does every bloom fade? Why is death the final outcome of life? Why does pain exist? Why are our lives saturated with so much pain and suffering?
A person who does not recognize the creator as the root of love and compassion, leaves him and his commandments and goes and seeks love in the physical world, there, it seems to him he is loved and there he can love others... recive compassion and be compassionate…
That is to say 'the questions which have no answers' i.e. questions that we have on the trials and the hardships that are so part and parcel of the day to day life, questions that in our eyes seem to have no logical answer have brought us to 'עבירות שאין עליהם תשובה' sins that don’t have answers i.e. sin that border on promiscuity, known in sforim as פגם הברית and as אהבות פסולות i.e. fallen love a predicament that is almost impossible to get out of.
The opposite is no less true.
A person that put down and put out with his own hands his purity of his thoughts and purity of his feelings, has put a blockage and a stop to a higher train of thought a plane in which all fits into place, a Plato on which all is understood, a person that vandalized the very ideals of love he has no way to connect to the pure g-dly love, and feels more comfortable in victimizing himself and blaming g-d rather then confronting his own feelings.
So we have somehow got ourselves in a vicious circle. How do we get out of this quicksand?
One thing that should be clear to us:
If only the whole populace of the world would be downright sure that g-d is the true fountain of love and the only spring of compassion, and all the other idea's of love aren’t only dressed up versions of base viciousness and treachery, to egoism and pain – then the whole world would throw away their animalistic materialism, and with incredible longing and with a fiery yearning turn to the source of love that isn’t mixed with treachery the g-dly infinite source, צמאה לך נפשי.... כמה לך בשרי.....כלה שארי ולבבי.....  The universe would be filled with wave upon wave of compassion, infinite compassion and delight that has no place even in fiction.
So how do we get out of this vicious circle and connect to portal that has been so much messed up, what is the answer to all the questions that have no answer?
The questions on the way he directs and manages this world stem from an inherent idea right at the beginning of creation. The חלל הפנוי literally translated as the vacated space.
Kabboloh expound the idea and explain that before the creator of heaven and earth created the universe he 'vacated' of his infinite presence a specific amount of space to then have the place to create a finite creation. We aren’t talking about a physical space rather a spiritual vacuum. In other word without this space g-ds presence leaves no place
Ihavent Managed to fish this, plese if u find it good leave a post and it will give me the push to finish it! thanx
Last Edit: by gottadohishtadlus.

Re: This is something Iv written on our ssubject 31 Aug 2009 22:57 #15007

  • the.guard
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Wow, a deep and beautiful soul has joined us here on the forum! Profound. Chassidic. A powerful force for good. Welcome home. We need you here.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by sheajive.

Re: This is something Iv written on our ssubject 02 Sep 2009 13:25 #15344

  • yechidah
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please continue.

I have learned alot from what you have posted and I'm sure I can learn alot more.

you have this in you-let it out


yechida (who at times isn't sure whether he is coming or going)  
Last Edit: 02 Sep 2009 20:19 by פלוני בן פלוני .

Re: This is something Iv written on our ssubject 02 Sep 2009 20:17 #15452

That's quite a post!
Last Edit: by johndoe1984.

Re: This is something Iv written on our ssubject 02 Sep 2009 22:03 #15477

  • levite
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 145
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thanx to the people who offered encouragement ! il work on finishing it before uman! 
Last Edit: by watchyoureyes35.
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