Ok. This is kutan here talking. Don't know if Pentele would agree, but for me, NO halachos for this. Not times, not method, not content.
Gotta be spontaneous, and its OK any way it comes.
The goal is to bring Hashem into our everyday lives.
Just remembered R' A. Miller ztl, who is enjoying a lechteger Gan Eden right now as we post, used to say that when you deposit a letter into the mail box, add a short tefila that it should takeh get to its destination.
Today there was real opportunities for me to daven. I have this secretary, a spanish young lady, who all the delivery people and phone repair men and etc etc go gaga over. I'd say nebech, but kutan also did, pre GYE days. OK, I was not that overt about it (I hope), I wasn't as bad as the verizon guy who bought her lunch and then asked her out, but whats the difference. Anyway, she happens to be not so 'prust' in speech and action, but her dress is terrible... typical of her culture. So, what am I to do?
Well, baruch Hashem there is a thing called monogramed / logo shirts, I sponsered it for my place of work (not that many people here and not that expensive ...
www.queensboro.com), and ordered shirts for ladies that are pretty tzniusdik (Women's Two-Ply Pima Jersey Polo). Its been great since. But today, she for whatever reason, came in with the old stuff, some low cut thing. A couple of days before RH!!!
I put in a LOT of tefilos today, that Hashem should get me through unscarred.
Of course, thats not the goal here. Here we are working on tefilos on things we thought we did not need Hashem for.
But i needed to share it anyway.