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I Got My Soul Back!
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TOPIC: I Got My Soul Back! 4974 Views

I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 17:33 #11414


August 10, 2009

90 Days, 90 Days,
What can I say, for Hashem I'm full of Praise.

I thank Hashem for the depth of my Heart,
He was there for me from the Start.

My story is just another of the Same,
I just had enough of the Yetser Hora's Game.

Fighting & Falling for so many Years,
My eyes were already, dry from Tears.

Finally one day my prayers Hashem did Hear,
And I finally found GYE to help me, myself to Repair.

From Reb Guard & his Hand Books & all the Others,
Over here at GYE we are all like Sisters & Brothers.

I thank Hashem, for sending me this Way,
And getting out of the Y"H's Prey.

No! It wasn't easy, I have to Admit,
But I don't miss my old life, not a Bit.

It is very rewarding as all of you Know,
And those who don't yet, time will Show.

If we keep on fighting & never let Go,
We will give the Y"H a blow after Blow.

Eventually he will have to confess,
That with GYE members, he cannot Mess.

He doesn't care much about the Sin,
What he wants is for us to Give Up, so that he can Win.

So the message the Y"H is loud & Clear,
Get lost once & forever, for from you we do not Fear.

Yes you might be stronger than us Flesh & Blood we Are,
But we "Let Go & Let G-D" & he's stronger than you by Far.

The fight is never over; we will fight till the End,
We will get even with you, when Hashem, Moshiach will very soon send.

So for those Yidden that GYE haven't found Yet,
We have to ask Hashem why we haven't Met.

So many Yidden with P**n are Addicted,
They need us to help them get Evicted.

They need us to help them find Guard Your Eyes,
So that the Y"H they too will Despise.

If we want to greet Moshiach with our heads held High,
Then let's put in the extra effort and tell the Y"H GOOD BYE!

So I ask everyone to help in every Way,
For this is the last battle, before Hashem does Say.

My Holy Children The Time Has Come!
With Klal Yisroel Once Again, I Will Be One.

Thank You My Holy Brothers & Sisters
The Fight Goes On
Yes! Efshar Letaken
Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009 18:01 by smellyface6.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 17:50 #11417

  • tester613
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A Grand Mazel Tov to our very dear brother, Efshar L'Taken,
you are such an inspiration.  I love the poem.  I will read and reread this poem. From the day you came, you had such determination that we were all so sure you would succeed.   

It seems to be poetry day here in GYE as you and Uri shared your soul with us.  In honor of all this excitement, I wrote my own Poem.  If anyone wants a perush on it, let me know. 
Here it goes.

Midnight stroll outside          Contemplating life
Wondering to myself            The purpose of this strife
Our obligations are great      But the failings of men
Provoke me to ask              האם אפשר לתקן

Startled by a bang              I enter his store
Moshe the Shoemaker          I am so sure
He speaks as he pauses        Before he bangs again
As long as the candle burns  אפשר עוד לתקן

The Sin in Gan Eden              Light those shabbos candles
Oy! The mitzvos                  That I stomp with my sandals
The soul of man                    Is the candle of Hashem
As long as we live                אפשר עוד לתקן

Confessing in my bed            I begin to shake
Entrusting my soul                Will I awake?
I jump from my bed              Refreshed energy I gain
Renewing life G-d says          אפשר עוד לתקן 

Once again, mazel Tov.  Rejoice!

Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009 17:52 by smellyface6.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 18:03 #11419

Thanks Reb Ykv,

One more talent to add to your portfolio.

Last Edit: by f.bonnacourt.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 18:30 #11421

  • the.guard
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Hey, that's the biggest Mazal Tov I EVER gave anyone!!  ;D

Efshar, we loved you Ahavas Nefesh from DAY 1! Stick with us. You are now a "blood-relative" to us all!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009 18:32 by yidontherighttrack.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 18:35 #11422

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Yeh, Reb Yakov, I agree with Efshar. How many talents do you have??
You play guitar
You write poems
You program well 
You have an encyclopedic mind
You write well...
And best of all, you RECOVER WELL  :D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by ysftw.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 18:46 #11428

Thanks Reb Guard.

Now that's really one Big & Colorful Mazel Tov!

You Are The Best!
Last Edit: by breakmefree21.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 18:57 #11432


This is another Poem I have written to my wife (when she was having a hard day) trying to explain the concept of "Let Go & Let G-D!"

Here it is.

Let go & let G-D!
Yes I know it sounds a bit Odd.

But if for one second you have a Doubt,
Why don't you just try it Out.

Let me tell you how to use It,
It works best when you think you’re just going to lose It.

All you have to do is to say to Hashem,
Please take over I'm in a Klem. (dilemma)

Yes you Hashem have all the Power,
To make me feel like I just took a shower. (Ahhhhhhh!)

I give myself up to you, I really Do,
Because only you can help me work this Thru.

So I hope by now you get the Drift,
How when you’re down, you can give yourself a great Lift.

Try it out, don't be Shy,
When we Let Go & let G-D, under his wings we shall Fly.

Last Edit: by DopamineDoctor.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 19:32 #11441

congratulations Efshar
It sounds  wonderful.mazal tov. i don't know you but i admire you.
Last Edit: by Yidstam.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 20:16 #11457

  • bardichev


yaalu shamayim yerdu tihomos nafsham ba-hem tisataf

e.l. I have no words(now that a historical first)

few people know how hard you fought!!!

Last Edit: by garyleib.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 20:31 #11468

Reb B,


For the amount of alcohol I drink that bottle is Poifect!

Last Edit: by staystrong2.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 20:45 #11470

  • noorah bamram
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Holy Holy Efsher

WOW WOW WOW the poem is absolutely beautiful!! very very touching!!!!

MY  warmest mazal tov wishes on your milestone.

You poem  made the מלאכי מעלה tremble and say

ברוך שככה לו בעולמו

and the Ribono Shel Olom replying  

ראו ברי-ה שבראתי בעולמי

Deepest Love and respect
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009 20:53 by dorchbhelp.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 20:53 #11473

Thanks Nora,

I can always rely on your touching heartfelt words.

Last Edit: by dorchbhelp.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 21:12 #11479

  • yechidah
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Efshar Lisaken

mazal tov.and the blessing within these struggles is the greatness of the neshomah when it comes out in the open for us to see.the beauty of your poems expess the beauty of your neshomah.Because your neshomah has endless depth of feeling and love towards our Creator,that is the very reason we struggle so much.So if after 90,if you still feel this pull toward the dark zone,know it's the very specialness of what is inside you that Mr Yetzer Horah doesn't like,but we like it,we love it,so let your neshomah shine and keep those poems coming,sing the praises of our Creator,the songs that only Efshar Lesaken can bring forth.no one else can combine these wonderful words like you do.

Last Edit: by mrrprsn.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 21:23 #11482

Thanks Reb Yechidale,

I know what you say is True,
For I have seen it 1st hand by You.

You started out her on GYE in Beis Medrash in a corner all Alone,
Now your great Post to all of us are Known.

Keep them coming, one after the Other,
Because we are here to help one Another.

Last Edit: by koga.

Re: I Got My Soul Back! 10 Aug 2009 21:23 #11483


Shall we celebrate? Will it be sushi or cholent?
:D :D :D

your (proud) next door neighbor
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009 21:25 by danblack.
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