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You know your addicted when....
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TOPIC: You know your addicted when.... 399 Views

You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 03:28 #103609

  • miracles
I was trying to name every masechet of mishnayot...and then it hit me...I know more more names of goyish internet women than names of masechtot. That is CRAZY! I'm thinking to myself, how is it possible that I can't name every masechet, but I can list names and names of shmutz. Oh ya...I'M an ADDICT!

I want to try and channel my ability to remember shmutz into an ability to remember dvarim Kedoshim.

Please pray for me brothers,
Last Edit: 08 Apr 2011 03:34 by .

Re: You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 03:51 #103611

  • kedusha
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How did you fare with Seder Nashim?    :D ;D  :
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 03:57 #103612

  • miracles
hahaha....I'm a bucky
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 07:13 #103626

  • tzaddik90
  • Gold Boarder
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to take a comment of yours seriously,

it will always be easier to remember this shmutz than learning, for two reasons:

the things on pc you SAW, not read (usually)

you reviewed these names and images dozends of times with extreme concentration

when you learn like this, it will compete, but you will never SEE your mishnayos, or review them with the same extreme concentration for so many times

i used to think about this
these ideas here are based on the gra, dont remember where right now, but its just logical, and from experience
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 14:16 #103649

  • miracles
But I need to SEE the gemarah. I've been struggling with remembering my torah. Can anyone offer some ideas on how to improve ones memory in remembering torah?

Shabbat Shalom,
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 08 Apr 2011 15:12 #103651

  • ur-a-jew
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miracles wrote on 08 Apr 2011 14:16:

But I need to SEE the gemarah. I've been struggling with remembering my torah. Can anyone offer some ideas on how to improve ones memory in remembering torah?

Shabbat Shalom,

We tend to remember things that are important to us.  Also, there is no better way to remember learning by constant chazarah.  Again, again and again.
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 10 Apr 2011 11:30 #103752

  • tzaddik90
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Also, most ppl i know do not know their particular strength in Torah, and how to exploit it

ive seen too many bochurim try to chazer all 11 rishinim on 50 sugyas over the whole year, to not remain with anything

we gotta identify where we are holding, and go from there

one of my favorite things is the chofetz chaim, likutei amarim 7th chapter
he says, black and white, that most ppl will not even finish shas once-and it is for caliber of the gedolim to do such
therefore, he recommends to finish all of rif  instead of shas

i loved it! to hear hm say that most pll will not finish shas was so geshmak!

i do plan on it, but i have come to realize, like uaj said, that unless i chazer alot, and take it slow, and plan responsibly for my level, it wont go

i also picked up a tip from a big talmid chacham in Beitar- each time u learn s/thing, pick what u want to remember

mark it off, and by doing so you can reduce all that you learn to much less, making only the most important things ur priority

you can do this and then chazer it ten times easier andquicker this way, gotta go
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Re: You know your addicted when.... 10 Apr 2011 15:04 #103762

miracles wrote on 08 Apr 2011 03:28:

I know more more names of goyish internet women than names of masechtot.

That's probably because there ARE more names of goyish internet women than names of masechtot.

Good luck to you, and welcome to the forum.

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Re: You know your addicted when.... 10 Apr 2011 17:21 #103772

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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I heard a pshat on why Pinchas remebered the halacha of Haboel aramis kanoim pog'im bo better than anyone else.

Chazal say about him, "Raah maaseh v'nizker halacha". He saw the deed & remembered the rule.

This is NOT referring to him seeing Zimri do the aveira! Rather WHILE HE WAS LEARNING THIS HALACHA in the Bais Hamedrash, during the course of his studies, he didn't just read & memorize a whole bunch of rules. He actual imagined the scene playing out! In his mind's eye he 'saw' someone take a non-jewish woman. Not just anyone - even a Nasi of a Shevet! Not just any shiksa - even a gentile princess! He 'SAW' all this while he was learning the halachos. He visualized it actually happening.

Later, when he encountered it in real life, it immediately 'clicked' in his brain. This is EXACTLY what I 'saw'!!

Raah maaseh - while he was learning.

V'nizkar halacha - when it came the proper time for it!

Now it was easy to quickly come to the correct conclusion!

(The modern generation's imaginations are so dulled & numbed that we cannot imagine scenes which we never see, there fore we need fancy 'simulators' to train in.....)
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