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weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik)
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 7716 Views

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 12 Apr 2011 20:52 #103999

  • ben durdayah
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And your bottom shequel as well for that matter.

Personally, I've hit my bottom dollar, shequel, and agurah a loooooooong time ago...

And I think I've hit bottom (in the while still on top sense -hopefully).

Time to do the steps!

For Dov and the other two guys who care,
My real name really is
Like the original Bendy, Ein hadavar talui ela bee

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Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 13 Apr 2011 22:00 #104140

  • Areivim
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Completed day 9. Another great day.

Tomorrow, I am going to learn more.

Last Edit: 04 Mar 2017 23:47 by Areivim.

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 13 Apr 2011 22:06 #104141

  • Rising Up
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So all the Israelis could come and visit their relatives in America for cheaper!!! 
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Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 14 Apr 2011 18:18 #104231

  • Areivim
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I am completing day 10 with the end of the 10th of Nisan, Boruch HaShem!

How am I doing, you might ask?

My gut/reflex answer is: aveiras...who has time for aveiras, the house still isn't turned over for Pesach?!

Also, my whole mindset is in mitzvahs: finding time to learn, cleaning, bringing down everything special for Pesach from storage, buying TONS of stuff for Yom Tov both food and otherwise, taking care of/watching the kids all afternoon so that my wife has the house available to clean and arrange for Pesach, etc. This is ideal, really. Because with the mitzvah mindset, one simply doesn't even think about doing aveiras!

Last Edit: 04 Mar 2017 23:49 by Areivim.

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 14 Apr 2011 21:27 #104264

  • geshertzarmeod
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nice mindset!
keep it up
ישראל אע"פ שחטא ישראל הוא
If you're connected above, you won't fall down below - Reb Shlomo
ולבי חלל בקרבי
לולא האמנתי לראות בטוב ה' בארץ חיים
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Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 16 Apr 2011 17:47 #104313

  • Areivim
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O.k. It's now Motzei Shabbos, and I have completed 12 days!

Late Thursday night was a test, bad link, whatever, the important thing is that I Xed it, and went to sleep, BORUCH HASHEM!!!

In the past, in a weaker moment, I might have/would have failed.

Friday, Erev Shabbos I thanked HaShem so to speak, for helping me succeed by learning a massive FIVE AND A HALF HOURS!

Shabbos was wonderful too.

I hope yours was too!
Last Edit: 04 Mar 2017 23:52 by Areivim.

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 16 Apr 2011 23:13 #104316

  • 2nd-chance
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great yosef
we are proud of you
keep UUPP
The multitude of wounds on a soldier demonstrate his audacity.
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Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 17 Apr 2011 18:14 #104357

  • Areivim
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Today, I went out to buy a new pair a tzitsis (this does NOT look like it's spelled right, but I don't how how else to spell it..."Shabbos" looks right, but "tzitsis" does not).

Anyway, the specific kind I like was not tied already, and they said that it was too late to have someone tie them for me. I was very disappointed and the worker there could tell.

The worker that was helping me asked out loud if anyone was willing to do a chesed for me and tie a pair of new tzitsis for me, and one guy said he would!! So, I waited in the store while he tied 2 pair of tzitsis for me, in honor of the coming Yom Tov. I told him that he should have some kevana, that they should be able to help me fight against my yetzer hara. He may have thought I was a little nuts, but he nodded his head, and did a great job. The clincher that HaShem was with me in this kind of spur of the moment purchase, to really start fresh and experience real freedom with this Yom Tov of Freedom (Pesach), is when I went to pay. The total for both begadim, both mehudar tzitsis, and the fee to tie both pair came out to exactly 180 shekels. Hopefully, I am starting a new life.
I don't know if I will posts updates on Pesach, but it is quite likely with my positive mindset and new tzitsis and my desire not to be on the computer at all over Pesach, that I will, b'ezras HaShem, be successful, and have amassed more than 3 full weeks by the time Pesach is over.

Last Edit: 08 Mar 2017 00:15 by Areivim.

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 18 Apr 2011 11:16 #104377

  • 2nd-chance
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may these knots tie you and your friends to the almighty forever
The multitude of wounds on a soldier demonstrate his audacity.
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Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 27 Apr 2011 18:20 #104564

  • Areivim
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I really like posting here everyday and reading other people's threads and posts, but I just don't have so much time to continue doing so.

I spent 2 hours today reading (slowly with underlining trying to really internalize it) the GuardYourEyes handbook and Windows of the Soul today. I made it only through the first 2 days of each. Wow! Powerful good stuff.

The advise I got and chizuk I had from reading it (I had all 4 free ebooks printed and bound together...which I HIGHLY recommend doing), made me decide to spend the time learning/reading through all 4 ebooks first, and then maybe Garden of Emuna and Garden of Peace, and only then coming back to post and read threads everyday.

I think that this will be a better use of my time right now...and help me to be more successful than by coming here on the forum.

Along the same lines, I am going to stop watching videos and movies altogether now, and spend the time learning night seder, which of course, I should have been doing all along anyway!

By being more productive, learning more, sleeping more, showing my wife I am striving more to change and perfect myself, and basically eliminating almost all of my computer time, I think that I will be doing myself the biggest favor and stand the best chance of truly breaking free.

Thank you, everybody for the help you've been. I hope to meet one day, after we are all successful.
Last Edit: 04 Mar 2017 23:58 by Areivim.

Re: weekly accountability and chizuk (the making of a Tzadik) 28 Apr 2011 16:58 #104614

  • ZemirosShabbos
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keep up your great work, you are doing gevaldiger things!
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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