Eye.nonymous wrote on 04 Dec 2009 08:55:
dov wrote on 03 Dec 2009 22:17:
A nice gematria! L"D is the shoresh of productivity (leidah), and the opposite of having nothing (dal)....just having some fun...congratulations, chaver!
Hey, it's also the gematria for "The hand of G-d." YUD-DALED, and then another two YUDs.
Today I'm on day 35.
It's the same gematria for two of the names of G-d. (See above, and change DALED to a HEH).
It's also the gematria for "Hey G-d!"
How's that?
Hey, speaking of "Hey G-d", I have a friend who taught me to make it habitual to say "Hi" to Hashem when I get into my car - yoyu know, the way we tend to have a ritual flicking on of the radio, instead of that, flick on reality and just say "Hi G-d"....he didn't know he was "teaching" this to anyone, but when we share, we never know who's gonna pick it up and run with it...feel free to run w/this one if you'd like! ;D