Dear Reb Eye, (i still want to write "rib-eye", but it gets me way too hungry...)
Disclaimer: Dovish 102 and 202 may be a prerequisite for this post. Perhaps this should be a PM, but here goes...probably nothing you don't already know, just sharing what I am finding out the hard way (of course!):
What my wife really, really needs is
to be loved. What I really, really need is
to love. If there is anything positive that I can
use the niddah thing for (mitzvos are eitzos, right? [Zohar h"K']), it is to learn what intimacy really
is. Now, as a professional lustaholic, I was
absolutely sure I knew exactly what intimacy really is and exactly how to measure it, too. I tried to convince my wife of
my definition for years. Heh-heh. Boy, was I off. No wonder life didn't work too well for all parties involved...
No, I'm
not saying that honesty and open communication should
always be enough, so cuddling should
always be more than enough when we are mutar. What I
am trying to share is that the combination of open and honest communication about what we each want and expect (out of physical intimacy, out of our jobs, out of our kids, our shuls, our friends, our diets, everything!) combined with me seeing what a priviledge it is and how meaningful it is to be physically close with the person I am sharing life with, is a simple pleasure that can't be beat by all the lust in the world. It can be, and perhaps should be, quite satisfying.
So, being able to be physically close (even without going "very far", as you put it) to the person I am building a life with, WHILE being emotionally together as well, takes a bit of the wind out of sexuality, and 99% of the wind out of lust.
In fact, it actually begs the question: Where does sexuality, when appropriate, figure into
improving this relationship? And that is something I do not believe any rov, shmooz, or sefer needs to (or perhaps
can) answer. That is not apikorsus, I hope...I believe it's just something we all need to discover together as couples.
One more thing. This busines about being OK with cuddling and emotional closeness, is not something that would have been "OK" with me 15 years ago. In fact, it would have probably been ossur. See, I didn't see the
value nor the power of physical and/or emotional closeness
without sexuality, back then. To me, it was
anathema. Therefore, being physically close would just have been teasing my YH. You know, "al yiharher odom bayom...."
Now, sorry if this offends anyone, but aside from halachik issues, of course, I do not believe that many of the standard, party-line Torah mottos and mussar guidelines are meant for recovering perverts, like me. Hey, I do not even see
lust as primarily coming from my YH. Many here do, and I respect that. As far as I am concerned, though, I consider it a
mental illness combined with a
physical allergy, that I innocently (but very stupidly) learned to use in order to protect me from all spiritual and emotional pain. I don't focus on the gravity of the aveiro to stay sober. It never stopped me before! In fact, my frummest efforts
got me as screwed up as I got. What helps
me is coming to see that it will kill me, and learning how to depend on Hashem instead. Even though I am still a very poor example of a yid in many ways. "afilu rosho, ubote'ach ba'Shem chesed yisovevenhu," chazal say (reb Yisroel Salanter and others elaborate on that...).
So, no, for us today, it's
sometimes bedafka safer to be physically
close and not go farther than to stay further apart. It makes me aware that I am loving in this way, without the stuff I thought was so important, at all. Now that's gotta be some kind of teshuvah.
Some days, though, the above just doesn't work at all (usually when I get very self-absorbed and selfish) and at those times I can't tolerate being physically close at all, if going farther is out of the picture. Like kedusha said, I'm not sacrificing my sobriety for anything.
Hak'lal: Above all, I need to be as fearlessly honest as possible with myself and with my wife about where I stand about this, too.