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TOPIC: Frustration! 2571 Views

Frustration! 25 May 2009 20:03 #5273

Hi! my dear friends.

B"H I'm happy to report that since I have joined the forum a week ago I'm doing pretty well in regard to watching my eye & the rest.

The problem I'm having thou is in the field of my nerves system.

I'm feeling very frustrated!

I don't know whee its coming from & it's hurting me deeply.

It might be related to work not getting done while I'm trying to focus on staying clean (being addicted to this site) or just the opposite, I'm frustrated for other unknown reasons and therefore I'm sticking to this forum to get out of my frustration.

I do have side issues that are bothering me, that are not connected to this addiction But I always had these side regular life pressures & I never felt this frustrated about them.

So if anyone has any incite on this please let me know.

#1 - is it common to get the blues like this after going clean?
#2 - how do i deal with it?

Thanks in Advance
Hashem Please Help Me!
Lechvoidcho V'Loi Lechvoidee
Last Edit: by gamliel.

Re: Frustration! 25 May 2009 20:28 #5277

  • bardichev
reb efshar
does this mean you are joining the wall .If yes I am so proud of you!!!

Y'H is running for the hills he just lost another client.
Yes this forum proves that y"h is suffering a recession.

please post away I will read all of the bl"n

Remeber Ohavie Hashem Sinu Raah.You are aOhev Hashem so it works both ways hHasem loves you as well.
You are creating new behavior patterns so it is normal to feel what you are feeling. Try to remeber how horrible you felt when you fed your addictiion.

This is something I wrote when I was 10 days clean It was the week before Pesach I  can put things in the right perspective,and bring asile to your face

As I once said this forum would have been a Nachas For the Heilige Bardichever .To see how regular people are trying withal their might to fight the greatest Y”H in history. The streets we travel and stores we shop in stoop to the lowest level just to sell basic products. The media is one piece of filth. The computer OY VEY this is Y”H final hideout.

Let us all remind ourselves what it was that pushed us to seek help.What was it about the addiction that we hated the most. If you focus on that it will help you not slip or fall.
For me it was as follows (this list I compiled on day 10)

A. A crutch to give me instant satisfaction
B. I knew what I was doing was wrong.
C. I was making excuses for my behavior
D. I was a hypocrite
E. I couldn’t Daven
F. I felt guilty and ugly
H. I felt controlled (inhuman)
G. I convinced myself that I can change my behavior in a second which I know it’s not true.


Last Edit: by bochur28.

Re: Frustration! 25 May 2009 20:52 #5279

  • the.guard
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#1. It's perfectly normal. See this PDF for descriptions of the withdrawal symptoms (even though it deals with SLAA addiction, it's similar to Lust addiction).

#2. Maybe Chizuk e-mail #278 on this page can help you deal with the anxiety and stress...
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 25 May 2009 20:59 by anahashempleasehelp.
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