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First fall(need advice)
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!
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TOPIC: First fall(need advice) 186 Views

First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 03:17 #402720

  • JARES90
  • Senior Boarder
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After 79 days it’s over. I had gone clean from the day I started using this app. Tonight I had my first fall. Leading up to tonight I had slowly been slipping and getting lax with guarding my eyes, I never saw p. But still looked at non kosher stuff over this last week. Until I just felt I should screw my counter and start over so I m. But bh no p. Still I’m hit with that empty feeling again and look up at the daunting task of 90 days. Need to remain focused but then again that’s what I said last time. Need chizuk for the journey ahead.
Last Edit: 24 Oct 2023 03:32 by JARES90.

Re: First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 03:24 #402721

  • JARES90
  • Senior Boarder
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I just see all these posts of people getting past 90 days and then relapsing. And that honestly scares me
Last Edit: 24 Oct 2023 04:25 by JARES90.

Re: First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 04:31 #402726

  • 1day613
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"After 79 days it’s over" CHAS V SHALOM it's only over if you give up. you just when 79 days of kedusha of tahara its not over you just had a little break in the streak and now "imyh" you will get right back on track. you should know I'm jealous of you 79 days!!! that's huge! Hashem is Mamash Kvelling. For advice i would say personally I'm trying to do what shabbosdikyid said he was doing which is building positive associations with holding back  by 2 times a day, once at midday and once at night putting on music and dancing thanking Hashem for another half a day clean and close to him. (check out his post) much hatzlocha!! let me know how it goes and I'm rooting for you. 

Re: First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 04:48 #402729

  • ainshumyeiush
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First of all, congratulations on hitting 79. That's huge 
Dont focus on the days. Realize that you are someone who is working on living your best life.
yes there's requirepeople who fall after 90, but they're not the same people who started their journey. They all grew beyond what they thought possible.
you also grew in the past 79 days, although you might not have realized it.
its not a game of "who can last longer without porn" this is a journey we are all taking together.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

Curiosity kills the count


feel free to get in touch

Re: First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 13:03 #402741

  • hechochma
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To paraphrase HashemHelpMe: If you are climbing a mountain and as you near the top you fall into a ditch - all you need to do is climb out of the ditch and you are still in the same spot on the mountain. On the other hand, if you do a full "l'azazel" down the mountainside, your climb continues from the bottom of the mountain.
Nimshal being - there's falling and there's falling - it sounds to me like you fell in a ditch. You didn't just give up everything and indulge yourself until you were totally spent.
So you fell into a ditch. You climbed out! You got out here and were brave enough to share your place with everyone - you're awesome! And you can continue the climb from right there!
Another point in the name of HHM - Celebrate those 79 days!!! Go buy yourself something! (I ordered from Cookie Corner after my first fall and my wife is like- "???" I'm like - "Because I love you!" lol)
What an unbelievable accomplishment! Keep going and Chazak v'ematz!!!
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Re: First fall(need advice) 24 Oct 2023 14:17 #402748

j1809090 wrote on 24 Oct 2023 03:24:
I just see all these posts of people getting past 90 days and then relapsing. And that honestly scares me

I feel you, man.
To be honest, it scared me too, and when I was the star of such a story, I was terrified and felt that all hope was lost.
If you hang in there and keep on moving forward, you'll BE"H find what works for you. 
We get only one chance at life.
This is not a rehearsal; it's the real thing.

Father, help me live sober Today.

Re: First fall(need advice) 04 Nov 2023 22:44 #403239

  • JARES90
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 77
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Am now on day 10. Bh. Do feel like it’s a little harder this time around. But I guess that’s normal. Am trying to implement something going forward. No technology with me when I go into the bathroom. Hopefully I can remain strong and continue towards 90. 
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