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my arrival story!
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Re: my arrival story! 08 Nov 2009 20:44 #27318

  • the.guard
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Someone just sent me this great article from FOXNEWS today:

Sexual Addiction

by Dr. Keith Ablow

One of the fortunate—and sometimes unfortunate—aspects of human biology is that we contain within us the physiology for extraordinary pleasures.  When we are psychologically in balance, our capacity to derive enjoyment from our senses and our bodies, whether through eating or exercise or sex, enriches our lives immeasurably.  But when we face underlying turmoil or pain or unhappiness, we can use our inborn capacities for pleasure as shields against thinking and feeling our emotions—literally harnessing our brain chemical messengers and neurotransmitters like infusions of drugs.

Sexual addiction is one of the dark roads men and women travel in order to avoid their feelings and the complexities of their life stories.  They turn to sex to “drug” themselves and relieve deeper feelings of anxiety or depression or boredom or loneliness.  In doing so they not only deprive themselves of journeying toward a true understanding of the roots of their negative feelings, they cause a lot of collateral damage.  That damage can include shattered families, a loss of respect in the community, legal problems, financial problems and health problems.

Sexual addiction is also unique in that it can now be “fed” 24/7 through the Internet, which provides countless graphic images and videos that are the equivalent of a constant infusion of alcohol or heroin.  Gambling addicts at least have the rate-limiting step of their own finances as a potential brake on their dependency.  Drug addicts have to procure their substances.  But sex addicts can mainline their drug through magazines, the Web, and relationships built only around physical satisfaction.

For these reasons, it can take a long time for sex addicts to come to terms with the fact that their addiction is harming them or others.  Most sex addicts waste hours and hours on the Internet, or wasting the potential for true closeness with their children because they are driven to divorce by their needs or distracted by recruiting their next affair.  What are the signs and symptoms of sexual addiction?  Here are some to consider:

– Underlying anxiety or depression when the activity related to sex is resisted.

– A need for exposure to sexually stimulating material or relationships that overshadows the need for real emotional, interpersonal connections. A need for exposure to sexually stimulating material or relationships that overshadows the need for real emotional, interpersonal connections.

– A preoccupation with sexual fulfillment or fantasies that interferes with daily life, one’s employment or one’s marriage.

If you or someone you love has any of these symptoms, a psychiatrist or psychologist is a good place to turn for help. Remember, the fact that we have the anatomy and physiology for pleasure of many kinds means that we are, as human beings, also at risk for redirecting those healthy pleasures into pathology.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatry correspondent for FOX News Channel and a New York Times bestselling author. His book, “Living the Truth: Transform Your Life through the Power of Insight and Honesty” has launched a new self-help movement including www.livingthetruth.com. Dr. Ablow can be emailed at info@keithablow.com.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 08 Nov 2009 20:46 by NeedHelpZA.

Re: my arrival story! 08 Nov 2009 20:57 #27320

  • Dov
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Levite - Congrats! So, friends are indispensible! Have a nice rest of your clean day.

Guard - I do not have the luxury of basking in dejectedness or sadness. I get involved in whatever I am supposed to be doing, de-isolate, make a call to a program friend or my sponsor, and talk to my G-d a lot more - and calmly. I do not expect miracles, but they really tend to occur and I discover by the time i go to sleep that I snapped out of my self-pity attack a few hours before, but was not paying attention!
Oh, and assessing my mood just to keep tabs on it ("am I really happy?") is another childish habit I cannot afford any more, so I gave it up slowly and with the help of others over about 2 years of work (at the ripe age of about 45! Waaa!!!!). I don't do it now. My life is much better without "my help", thank-you, I do not need to assess or guide my moods any more.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by tm bird.

Re: my arrival story! 08 Nov 2009 21:25 #27324

  • levite
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thanx dov. im being feeling better gave it a bit of thought i need real help from the one above real help im a wreck! after thinking all that i wasnt in the best mood so i went into a wedding and danced so im in a better mood!
Last Edit: by Koon12345.

Re: my arrival story! 08 Nov 2009 21:33 #27325

  • the.guard
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That's great, levite. We all get a little kookoo from time to time... If we can do as Dov says, try to get back into what we are supposed to be doing, back into life, a little walk, some dancing by a wedding, etc.. We will quickly forget our craziness...  

Dov, thanks for sharing. That's exactly what I wanted to hear  :D

(at the ripe age of about 45! Waaa!!!!)

BTW, I dreamt last night that I met a bunch of the GYE Chevra, and you, Dov, were sitting there in the corner on the couch, very quietly... And I came over and gave you a HUG... Funny thing is, you looked very old in the dream, like about 65-70... And I remember thinking that I had thought you were only about 45,... funny you mentioned that here.

So how old are you, Mr.Wise old turtle?  :D Let me guess, 50 going on 5?
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Tzoah123.

Re: my arrival story! 09 Nov 2009 13:54 #27360

  • levite
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thanx guys for bailing me out
Last Edit: by Joey1.

Re: my arrival story! 10 Nov 2009 23:31 #27589

  • Dov
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Levite, you deserve all the bailing out in the world! Just ask bardichever, he'll tell you! No, better yet - ask Hashem! You are such a precious yid!

Reb Guard - sorry, My Mom taught me to never, ever, share my age...it's the only thing she told me to do that I actually listen to! 
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by BZHHKYT.

Re: my arrival story! 11 Nov 2009 14:47 #27621

  • the.guard
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Reb Guard - sorry, My Mom taught me to never, ever, share my age...it's the only thing she told me to do that I actually listen to!

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to trust my "dream" then  :D

Funny thing is, you looked very old in the dream, like about 65-70
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by bundelzip.

Re: my arrival story! 11 Nov 2009 18:13 #27686

  • levite
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ta v much dov! 18 days of life, atah toimech gorali thank you hashem for telling me what is right and wrong and bot only telling me that i should choose life but actually liftingmy hand and helping me pick!
Last Edit: by abvgd.

Re: my arrival story! 12 Nov 2009 12:00 #27914

  • levite
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thw baal haikrim askswhy a person is blamed for doing averos if the gemora says 'ain odom choteh ele im kein nicnas bo ruach shtus'(a man does not do an averah unless a spirit of foolishness enters him) - we know that a shoteh(insane person) is patur on mitzvos, so why is the person who does an averah chayav?
He answers that it really is so he will not get punishment for the aveiroh but for what he did after the aveiroh, did he do teshuvah when the ruach shtus went out? did he say sorry? If he didnt doesnt thhat shows that he isnt upset and that part of the rael him really wanted it!
Last Edit: by dave_1818.

Re: my arrival story! 12 Nov 2009 13:32 #27928

  • imtrying25
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Some answer that the person is punished for what he did the brought on the ruach shtus. Which in effect caused him to do the aveirah. The holy Mashgiach of Mir R Yeruchem Levovitz has a piece on this point. Begining of Parshas Devarim on the words Di Zahav.
Last Edit: by The goal.

Re: my arrival story! 12 Nov 2009 20:06 #28024

  • levite
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il try n look it u, id appreciate if you'd post it here had a slip guys quite serious but a alip i managed to stop and i didnt get pulled away so im still with you. i just went from a kosher wwbsite into one that defo was shmutz and couldnt keep back from pressing the link but after a few secs i was back in kedusha. in lechovitch there is a vort. a fight is a slap against a slap. the winner is the one that gives the last one!
Last Edit: by t177.

Re: my arrival story! 13 Nov 2009 01:14 #28089

  • levite
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ki nososani vatashlicheni, ribonoi shel oilam u picked me up when only you could, and you put done like only you could. i fell father in heaven i fell. im sorry tatte zisse im sorry and although i said sorry last time its for real this time. Ribonoi shel oilam i am not giving up on you ever! please take me back for i have nowhere else to go.
and to the yh huh, vatischak leyoim achroin, he who laughs last laughs longest all you did was make more steadfast to go through with this again day 1 of my arriva!l and this tym im doing it for real
Last Edit: by solom.

Re: my arrival story! 13 Nov 2009 01:18 #28091

  • levite
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i cant update my chart
Last Edit: by overanalyzingmyself.

Re: my arrival story! 15 Nov 2009 19:27 #28481

  • levite
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hi im on day two well its almost day three, what im finding this time is tah its much harder i feel as if im white knuckling it compared to last time and i dont no y? i feel as if this will make me give up.
Last Edit: by dadam25.

Re: my arrival story! 15 Nov 2009 22:12 #28505

  • imtrying25
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DONT YOU DARE GIVE UP LEVITE. Its the rough times that make us men. More importantly realize that your in the techilaso kotzim right now and it wont be long before youll be in the sofo meishor.
Last Edit: by Levik99.
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