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my arrival story!
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Re: my arrival story! 04 Jan 2010 23:06 #42053

  • Dov
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levite wrote on 04 Jan 2010 22:18:

Have i come in this world for this?
Ribonoi shel oiloim you will telll me that this is my nisoyoin on this world, and this is my work, ribonoi shel oiloim i know that with tefillah you can change all, im begging you 'va'ani kirvas eloykim li tov' i know whats good 'elcho vo'oshivoh el ishi horishoin ki tov li oz me'atah'
Riboinoi shel oiloim im writing this post to you for i know that you read this forum
can you be my accountability partner? ......................................................

With all love and respect I say to you, Levite:

Perhaps not. He can't be my accountability partner. At least not in the first year or so of recovery. That is just too much like doing it alone. We can't do this alone. Separated from people. At all.
Read what Reb b and I posted today on "bardichev's Battle".
Levite, consider getting a sponsor, and also being inside a chevra of recovering lust drunks.

Sorry, but I have seen that it's better to have a goy who knows nothing from the real G-d as an accountability partner than having the Ribono Shel Olam Himself as an accountability partner.
If my emunah is that clear that He is mamesh like having a person with me, I wonder how ever fell in the first place.
I needed a whole lot of humility to admit this.
It's precious to me.
Get me?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by gleefulelephant59.

Re: my arrival story! 04 Jan 2010 23:45 #42066

  • levite
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dov waht i actually asked is g-d to be my parner not the other way
get me?
Last Edit: by igold.

Re: my arrival story! 05 Jan 2010 13:47 #42299

  • Dov
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I don't see the difference, really.
You can't do this dance alone with Him - the solution is being alone with Him, but I could not get there in reality, without merging with other people. Human beings.
Are you hearing me?
You may be confusing the goal with the means.
...I have kvetched enough.
I'm done.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by upbeatbison66.

Re: my arrival story! 05 Jan 2010 13:51 #42302

  • Momo
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It's the war you're trying to win. Even the best generals lost a battle here and there.

Learn from the fall for next time. What caused it? What can you do so that it doesn't happen again? (You don't have to answer this here, but ask yourself this.)

Keep on trucking!
Last Edit: by jubilantelephant84.

Re: my arrival story! 05 Jan 2010 18:58 #42422

  • the.guard
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Levite, your soul's holiness is blinding...

Listen to the great bear on this site (Dov), he is humbler, more experienced and wiser than us all...
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by livelylynx24.

Re: my arrival story! 06 Jan 2010 00:43 #42581

Reb Levite - Hashem isn't leaving you, and neither are we!

I think that part of what Reb dov is saying is that as real as Hashem is, we have trouble seeing him as real - that's why we're able to do things in the privacy of our own rooms that we'd never do in the middle of the street.

So, for an accountability partner, we need a human being that we, (for better or worse), feel as being more tangible.
Last Edit: by optimistickoala33.

Re: my arrival story! 14 Jan 2010 13:11 #45623

I was just catching up a bit on this thread.

Regarding whether we need to support the whole approach from p'sukim and chazal.

What about, "If you hear that the goyim have wisdom, you may believe it!"?  This is also from Chazal.

If it works, it works.

Do you need to track a microwave oven back to a gemorra before you will use it to heat up some food?

Last Edit: 14 Jan 2010 13:13 by .

Re: my arrival story! 14 Jan 2010 18:02 #45746

  • Dov
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Gevalt. What's going on here? Now GYE will never have a normal leining - we need our levite back!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by .

Re: my arrival story! 15 Jan 2010 17:33 #46041

Reb Levite - where are you?
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Re: my arrival story! 29 Jan 2010 11:07 #49514

  • imtrying25
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AVOO BIST DOO?????? :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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Re: my arrival story! 29 Jan 2010 14:05 #49572

  • levite
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hi to all special to eye it25 momo and whoever else has asked about me,
ok to get down to the point, iv decided to leave gye, for reasons, that cant be explained, or at least i feel that i cant explain all on this forum, at present.
to sum it up, i felt that this forum was taking me to places i worked very hard to get out off, iv been doing great bh, and to all of my friends out here, kutgw.
I hope this will help somebody,
gue is great, but you are a chelek alokay mi-mal, you need to be a great tzaddik to be-able to find a method that will work for all. as moshe asked hashem, when asking for a new leader for clal yisroel.
Last Edit: by .

Re: my arrival story! 29 Jan 2010 16:08 #49599


I'm going to miss your hugs. and everything else that you used to write, too. I hope that you've spoken this over with a rebbe or rav before leaving, but no matter what - I hope you have the success and growth that you're looking for.

And you're always wlecome, anytime!

have a great shabbos!
Last Edit: by .

Re: my arrival story! 30 Jan 2010 21:06 #49675

  • imtrying25
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A gutte voch! I fully respect your decision. Only you know whats best for you!

please take my email address and feel free to contact me whenever you feel! imtrying25@gmail.com

Last Edit: by .

Re: my arrival story! 31 Jan 2010 06:57 #49808

And I believe my email address is in my profile.
Last Edit: by .

Re: my arrival story! 13 Jun 2010 22:15 #70369

  • levite
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wow what a long time,
six months to be precise, six months of standing in the side and peeking in, six months of debate, but finally desperation has got me back here.
The reason i left gye was i wanted to start anew and i felt that being bombarded with even the anti-p was making me fall again, so i left, i travelled to uman, that gave me a boost till about 80days then white knuckled till 95 and bam bam, iv not been this bad since 6 years ago i have filters accountability progs, i just circumnavigate in some way, tried all but smashing the pc, which knowing me wont work anyway, (il just go to a net cafe ), i feel as if im schizo, with this uncontrollable monster in me, i wont give in , but this fight is leeching my very last strengths, im weakened emotionally and even physically, most guys are gonna tell me keep on fighting but i cant anymore, im not suicidal but i sure can understand it now, whats the future?
Ok, so maybe i should go to a shrink, maybe, but personally being a kinda shrink myself i dont think it will work, 2. i dont think i can open up to frum guy being frum myself 3. i dont think i can afford it,
maybe i should go for the sa thingy, i dunno i tries and just didnt feel comfortable, again i feel that confronting it  all the time will bring it on,
im writing this just because im at my wits end and feel im going under, if there is anyone who thinks they can help please do
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