Today is day 8 of my journey (which apparently is some sort of milestone) and it's time to take stock and see where I've been and what has happened in this time. Here it goes.
Why did I come here in the first place? What was I trying to accomplish with coming here?
While the answer to these questions may seem obvious to most of you, it turns out that as opposed to most others on this forum, dealing with the problem of acting out is not the first step in my journey of resolving life issues, in fact my other life issues affect me so deeply that I believe this problem is really only a symptom of the other life issues (those issues are explained at length
here), I am trying to prove this to be true with my approach to recovery, so far so good (more about this below), and I believe very strongly that this is true about most people that are here, (my view on this matter is discussed more at length
here, and iy"h more coming soon...). Nevertheless, despite the fact that my "core" life issues are not completely resolved, and (at the time) I felt that focusing on the symptoms is a diversion of resources in the wrong direction, I came here for the following reasons:
- I reached a point in resolving my core life issues in which the next step required just waiting, and I hate waiting! So I decided to start tackling some of the symptoms of my problem to "pass the time".
- My life issues were causing me tremendous suffering to which I couldn't find relief, and I thought that this place sounds like a good place for me, because even if it doesn't provide a cure for the cause of the suffering it provides a "shoulder to lean on" and sympathy/empathy, which can do wonders.
- I thought that dealing with this "symptom" might provide additional insight into some of my core life issues, maybe providing the key that would eventually lead to successful resolution to those issues.
Am I still here for the same reasons? If not, how so and why? Is coming here succeeding in addressing my original or revised goals?
The answer is yes and no. I am still here for the same reasons, but a lot has changed and many new perspectives have come about as a result of being here, plus some new goals:
- Besides being a useful way of "passing time", I've learned that there is a lot more value to tackling symptoms than that (this is a whole torah in itself and is discussed in other places on this forum, including the "core issues" thread referenced above), and I am more enthusiastic about it than I was when I first came here.
- While I still suffer from inner conflict and turmoil ("dear YH..."), the atmosphere here is amazingly supportive and as a result, besides being a "shoulder to lean on" which reduces my suffering tremendously, it has become a critical part of resolving my core issues, because it provides for me a safe and warm environment, plus lots of new perspectives and stimulation which are critical tools for me while dealing with my core and symptomatic issues.
- Dealing with this symptom did not provide any additional insight into the root of the problem, but has given me tremendous insight and perspective into life in general and into new ways to look at resolving life issues (see previous point).
- In addition to my original goals, I now have an additional goal, which I didn't think I was ready for, and that is the goal which brings most people here, i.e. to be a better Jew and strengthen my connection to hashem. The tayere yiden here who are determined despite all odds to put their issues and reservations aside and work tirelessly to reach this goal at all cost are an inspiration. B"H, this goal is being addressed here as well (using a method that I believe works best for me, despite claims of the failures of this approach), and as an added benefit I am learning new and very useful things about myself and my processes.
So, now that I know why I came here and why I am here now, how am I doing? Am I getting anywhere? What are my plans for the future?
As far as the goal that everybody is here for, i.e. refraining from acting out, I think I am doing a tremendous job, because not only have I not acted out, I haven't even "acted out" in my thoughts, and that is not because these thoughts have not come to mind, but because as soon as they do I am anticipating them and subdue them either by diverting attention, there is no limit to the opportunities for that (and it's always the best option for dealing with the YH, why get your hands dirty?), or if that doesn't work by reaching out and posting here ("dear YH...") which has the "tashlich" effect of getting these thoughts out of my head and "throwing" them away (is this the same concept of "letting go" that is talked about in connection to addiction? either way, it works for me, for now).
I believe the main reasons for this success is because I am using the proactive as opposed to reactive approach and because I am using the perspective of looking at this problem in context of the bigger picture, I am constantly evaluating myself and my state of mind, I am constantly on the lookout for triggers, and I am constantly trying to "dig" deeper and deeper to get a better understanding of myself and of the root of my problem(s), the deeper I dig the more I find and the more effective the tools (or weapons, you should see what's going on
here) I use become.
The method I am using in reaching this goal, is not only successful for this goal, and the other goals I hoped to accomplish by coming here, it is successful in many other goals I have in life, both problem resolution goals and building the future goals, and is proving to be a life enhancer in general. For this I will forever be grateful to the organizers, managers and you the participants of this great effort for the tools, support and inspiration I have found here which enhanced my life in many ways I never imagined it will.
As for future plans, I believe human beings are like bicycles, as soon as we stop moving we fall, and as long as we are going uphill we need to pedal in order to keep moving. How fast and how hard we need to pedal depends on how steep the hill is, what gear we're on and how strong our legs are. Right now I am on a steep hill and the pedaling is hard and intense, I look forward to a bit more leveled ground but I know that the only way to reach the top is by going upwards (listen to "keep climbing" from Avraham Fried, nice song), and that as soon as I reach the top of the hill, there is another hill to climb and then another and another... If I don't keep moving I will definitely fall and the YH is in hot pursuit, I will always be on the lookout, keep evaluating, keep "digging" (or is it climbing?), and most importantly keep reaching out, until the end of days, hopefully with the coming of moshiach (it says somewhere that when moshiach comes hashem is going to shecht the YH, I am reserving front row seats!).
B"H, I built my sukah and got my arba minim, I am tired from all this emotional drama from the past few days, but I've already seen burnout, and yet here I am, because for me burnout is not an option...
This "status update" turned into a full fledged article... Oh, well. Now I have to go to the "having fun" forum to wind down a little...
I hope this article is as useful to you in clarifying things as it is for me. Good Y"T to you all, and keep climbing!