Jewish Jew
Do some add Teruma and Tetzave? I thought it was added only on a leap year!
You are right. The whole idea of Shovavim-Tat is only shayach in a leap year as only then the ikkar tikun can be made (Shl"o Hakodosh, Toro shebichsov parashas shmos). So there is no Shovavim without tat and this year there is really no Shovavim.
But as I heard from one of our veterans these "hoiche inyonim" are only for those who have sanity. Derech eretz kadmon laToro (vayikra rabba). And I do not have much sanity, today is day 24 (kad bigematria). Maybe it can motivate someone that he may learn the holy Shl"o when manages to be in serenity for a long time -- to live the solution and not to leave the solution.
Getting too fast involved into great Tikkunim and Tshuvo, Tshuvo, Tshuvo misses the point. First one needs to get normal. While I believe that this applies to addicts, which I am not but the hesach hadaas method did not help me. It applies also to most people who try to jump madregos (maftir of yisro) and from the posts of Dov and other real addicts I realized that I lack a basic hakoras hatov. B"H thinks are getting better I feel as I am growing in my appreciation what HKB"H is doing for me every day, every second. The shaar habechino of the chovos halevovos is wonderful. Obviously he does not need my haskome but when learning it first I realized how much chesed I just ignored, every day.
Have a wonderful day.