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Going for the Gold!
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Going for the Gold! 9564 Views

Going for the Gold! 04 Aug 2009 02:20 #10598

  • Tev
Hey Tzadikim,

I'm a 21 yr old single guy in yeshiva/college. Ive been struggling with p*()n and motzei zera levatala for about 7 years.

I "tried " many times to stop, but now im really giving it a real shot. I finally realize its not just the yetzer hara, its a serious addiction.

So ive been "clean now for 7 days , boruch hashem  Hope this lasts!

Last Edit: by Şoförberi.

Re: Going for the Gold! 04 Aug 2009 02:39 #10599

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 18:58 by gorskyjew05.

Re: Going for the Gold! 04 Aug 2009 04:24 #10605

  • Tev
Its crazy I thought for years that I could stop if I wanted to, I just always had an open computer to see whatever I wanted. I realize that I CANT stop whenever I want!

It takes hard work, ups and downs, crying to hashem and speaking to the great people on this amazing site! ;D

(I need to be in control before I start going out, which i plan to do within the next few months)
Last Edit: by haters123.

Re: Going for the Gold! 04 Aug 2009 04:32 #10606

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 19:02 by gorskyjew05.

Re: Going for the Gold! 04 Aug 2009 05:51 #10610

  • Momo
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Dear BeStrong88,

Welcome! Please feel at home. We are one big GYE family!

The most important thing to remember is that if chas veshalom you fall, your clean days still count, they are not lost, and you aren't back at square one. You must pick yourself up and continue to stay clean.

Best of luck.
Last Edit: by Amiti.

Re: Going for the Gold! 06 Aug 2009 19:29 #11111

  • Tev
boruch Hashem 9 days clean!  :D

There were a few times the past few days which I saw an add of a not properly dressed girl and was really tempted to click on it.

i told myself first of all I want to right 10 days tommorow... not I fell and have to start over. Next thing i did was close the internet.

Im so relived and proud of myself!

I hope to continue on this holy path, with the help of g-d and this site

Last Edit: by .

Re: Going for the Gold! 06 Aug 2009 19:35 #11113

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 10 Jan 2010 00:15 by balancedmongoose30.

Re: Going for the Gold! 07 Aug 2009 15:32 #11215

  • Tev

Shabbos Kodesh! Its such an  amazing feeling to have gone through a full week of being clean. thank you HASHEM!!

Im in double digits! :D- 10 days

Shabbos is a Yom Menucha it is a day we must all recharge our spiritual batteries and take in all the kedusha our neshama's can hold.

Chazal say all bracha is a result of the previous shabbos. Although Shabbos is not a time for bekashos( requesting from HKBH) it is most definitely a time to think about how we

gained or lost in the past week.
In fact shabbos is an extremely enjoyable mitzva.Singing a Zemer on shabbos

is one of the most uplifting experiences I beleive one can have... Close your eyes and allow the Kedusha to enter your soul,through the words of Lecha dodi or Libi Uvsari

Have a great Shabbos
Last Edit: by YitzchakSharon.

Re: Going for the Gold! 09 Aug 2009 03:47 #11262

  • Tev
I fell on friday..

I was struggling for a while with my Y"H , i took a walk to try to clear my head.

OK well i need to get up and keep fighting

Last Edit: by מאי דהוה הוה.

Re: Going for the Gold! 14 Aug 2009 20:38 #12383

  • Tev
I keep on falling!

I hate this!

I only made it 3 days , I dont know why but it seems on fri im the most prone to a fall.

Heeellpp! :'(
Last Edit: by Regretnot .

Re: Going for the Gold! 14 Aug 2009 21:00 #12385

  • Tev
Just installed K9 hope it works:)

Have a great week
Last Edit: by .

Re: Going for the Gold! 16 Aug 2009 06:34 #12442

  • Holy Yid
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  • Keep the mind engaged and the soul content
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Please try not to hate yourself. Don't try to hard. Focus on enjoyable things in your life and make strong fences. It takes a lot of courage to post a fall. I am very impressed.
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
Last Edit: by awu2541.

Re: Going for the Gold! 16 Aug 2009 06:43 #12444

Ironically, the trick to winning this fight is NOT TO FIGHT!

Just realize that the Yeitzer Hara is too powerful for us and that we can't have anything to do with it.

Once we start thinking WE are FIGHTING IT, then we're especially in danger.
Last Edit: by EizehuG.

Re: Going for the Gold! 16 Aug 2009 21:55 #12589

  • Tev
Thanks guys for the support,

The trick as you said, which is 100% correct is, to realize that we are not in control, rather we must try our hardest to be good, and tell HK"BH that we are doing our part, please give us the strength and ability to pull through our struggles, the Ikar is the WE ALLOW HASHEM 2 control eh situation and not ourselves, blc the Yetzer is one tough cookie..

Thanks again
Last Edit: by Givemechizuk.

Re: Going for the Gold! 16 Aug 2009 23:34 #12594

  • Sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
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letting HKB"H in and helping us out is a huge yesod, shkoyach for that chop. the war is won when we fall and get back up again, we learn from our mistakes, otherwise we're not learning anything at all. you're doing great, keep it up!

and, ah!, shabbos zemiros! right on! "Hatzel macharei lifrosh min hashabbos lvilti tihiyeh sagur mayhem sheshes yamim hamikablim kedusha mishabbos kodshecha..." gutte voch!

Last Edit: 17 Aug 2009 08:44 by zorro1961.
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