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TOPIC: CHOLINT!! 51856 Views

Re: CHOLINT!! 24 Oct 2012 15:21 #146585

Just wondering... Does the concept of "Talmid chacham bechinas shabbos" apply to chulint during the week?


Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 00:38 #146605

  • TehillimZugger
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Somebody was klerring that perhaps someone hijacked Yechida's account... Yechida-Cholent?
And the GYE Historical Society wrote me:

to the best of knowledge, this post is the original possum post on gye that started the whole possum adulation

Zemmy did I just quote you twice without mentioning a name?
Yippee! I'm an accomplished plagiate, finally!
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 17:17 #146671

  • shteeble
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r u serious?
it started in a cholent recipe?

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 17:27 #146674

  • TehillimZugger
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Mordechai Schmutter asked in his facebook account yesterday, what is the weirdest thing you've ever seen people put in cholint...
should I have said "possums"?
i bet you the guy's on gye....

p.s. i do not have facebook, someone i know keeps me updated with mordechai schmutter's antics
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 17:30 #146676

  • shteeble
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do it do it do it do it 8)

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 17:36 #146677

  • gevura shebyesod
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Fiveish puts jellybeans in his, but bedafka not black ones. maybe that's why his cholent only lasts till Thursday.
!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

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Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 17:40 #146679

  • shteeble
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good good.
new thread ahead.
check unread posts...

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 21:09 #146706

  • mr. emunah
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The proper Shabbatt seudah consists of Kidush on Grape pop, (with grey goose or pravda) followed by a ham-oatsie on 2 whole wheat hotdog buns, a platefull of jelly fish (pashkez of course) w/ heimish tomato dip with mayo and sour pickles, followed by eqqsnonions with a side of fried onion and candy corn, followed by a 5 round drink off consisting of 1st round :vodka (all shots to be 1oz), 2nd round: Bourbon (woodford? a bit fruity though, it's what they use as an anastetic on the race horses when they have open heart sugery)3rd round: Arak (to get rid of all those wimpy Achkenaziks) 4th round: Olde Williamsburgh (to keep the Real men only) Followed by a 5th round of single malt (prefebly Laphroiag QC or Lagavulin) and NOW yer ready for the Super EMU penultimate chulent : 2 pounds of tounge sliced thin,
2 gallons of canola oil (xtra heavy)
1 tspn of peppermint extract
1 package of barbacue corn pops
A six pack of Miller high life (hey TZ, AA does not allow Bud...)
1 container of Bobby Miller's famous Gallreta
a 3 pound bag of chick peas soaked for 14 years
1 small container of Greben,
Cayenne pepper, to taste
17 eggs ( for all my Schphardik friends)
half a bag of garlic onion Noshkes
3 tablespoons of salt
Zoglos Pareve possum steaks
1 oz of parve whip topping
3 olives.

Combine or seperate all ingredients as seen fit and watch yer guests have the best seudah ever, gaurunteed or your money back!

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 21:12 #146707

  • mr. emunah
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one more point-
regarding the tongue,
Rhe taste buds must remain intact-
this is of great importance as this makes it much TASTIER.

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 21:51 #146718

  • TehillimZugger
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mr. wrote on 25 Oct 2012 21:09:

17 eggs ( for all my Schphardik friends)

Guys! the Mister isn't exaggerating, Ben Ish Hai writes about a certain Baghdadite who "liked to eat seven-eight eggs on shabbat"

בבן יהוידע שבת קי"ט ע"א בד"ה תבלין אחד כתב שריחו של מאכל שבת נודף אצל ישראל דוקא ולא אצל זרים, וכותב שתיבת תבשי"ל כשקוראין אותה למפרע, הוה, ל"י שב"ת שמתבשיל מוכח שהשבת היא לי ולא לזרים. ומביא מעשה שאירע בבגד"ד בדורות הקדמונים שיהודי אחד המיר דתו לדת הישמעאלית אצל הממשלה וכפי דתם לא תתקיים המרתו אלא עד שיביא חכם היהודים שבעיר וידבר עמו בינו לבינו באיזה דברים שירצהו לחזור בו וכאשר זה ישמע ויסרב לדברי החכם אלא רק להמיר, אז המרתו חזקה שאינו בא מחמת שום אונס וסיבה אלא שהוא אוהב את דתם בכל לב ובכל נפש. ואתו היהודי, בא אצלו החכם שבעיר ודבר עמו דברים יקרים וטובים למשוך לבו לדת ישראל ולא יכול, אלא זה עודנו עומד במרדו להמיר. וקודם שנסתלק החכם בא היהודי אחד שהי' חבר של זה והוא ידע שמקטנותו אוהב את הביצים של שבת אשר מניחים אותן על חמין של קדירה ואוהב לאכול בכל שבת ז' או ח' ביצים. ויגש אליו ויאמר לו אם תמיר דתך מה תעשה בשביל ביצים של שבת, ודברים של זה תיכף עשו פירות בלב של זה וחזר מהמרתו.
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?

Re: CHOLINT!! 25 Oct 2012 22:22 #146724

It's also brought down in the sefer "Daughters of Destiny", I think by the daughter of R' Chatzkel Levenstein zt"l, that when she was sick in her child years, they gave her (approx) 15 eggs to eat. (Like my mother used to say, "If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about.")

(Halloween is comin' up. Get your eggs ready.)


Re: CHOLINT!! 29 Oct 2012 03:10 #146866


Re: Tzthuhlint!! 14 Nov 2012 15:28 #147865

  • TehillimZugger
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Le'maaiseh, I was klerring, that it's proper for der Novardikker oilam to say "Tzthuhlint" not Chas V'shalom CHOLINT-
Any proper litvitheh Ruh-theh-theevih (Rosh Yeshiva) has a lisp [or two]* but just to prove my point, Rabbi Israel Meir of Radin in his "Mishna Berura" (CDXLVIII, XIII ) writes "צאלינט".
Besides, the great defender of Reb Yoisef Yoizel (Founder of the Novardikker hymns)- Rabbi Michel Epstein Rabbi of Novardik uses the same spelling (Aruch Hashulchan CCCXXI, VII; CCLVII, XIII), how much more Novardikk can you get?!

*) See Sepher Plioth Chochma [A chassidic Dikduk Sepher- What the gehinomm is that, right? I KNOW! Still better than פרקי הנאזר (good luck with the transliteration, I for one, have no idea how to pronounce that) which is chassidus on "Hilchos Shechita", hey it's all good!] (Part I Gate XIII "Takil Upharsin" Essay A) "We can thus assume the proper pronounciation [of "thau"- last letter in hebrew alphabet] is like the Lithuanians "sin" [the letter, duh].
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?

Re: Bean-stew 14 Nov 2012 15:32 #147867

  • ZemirosShabbos
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btw, our minhag is not to eat roman numerals
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: CHOLINT!! 14 Nov 2012 15:42 #147869

  • mr. emunah
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my minhag is not to eat Min-Hogs (x-tian pigs)
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