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HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?)
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TOPIC: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 53531 Views

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 01:00 #274120

  • Yesod
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A dear friend of mine started talking about it to me or of the blue one day. He recounted these horror stories he read about on the testimonials.

One day when i was in his office he showed me the site and together we read a few stories. He then told me about these emails they send out. ...

I dont know why he mentioned it. I dont think i was open with him at that point about my struggles.
Maybe he knew.
Maybe he struggles.

I dunno.
Either way, i have since spilled the beans to him and i have also made gye my own.

Thanks to this great site i may one day regain proper websight.

Living in ny currently (wishing i was elsewhere)

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 01:56 #274125

  • caim
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The way I found out about GYE was almost nearly by coincidence, it was as if Hashem revealed this site to me. What I mean to say is; that one day I was not in such a good position when I was browsing the web for some information to feed my lust. When I happened to find a web page with a someones success story from GYE,(since it had in the article some wording in it that I put in when I was browsing the web). I couldn't believe that there is actually a site that has so much information on how to get helped from these types of behaviors. I was in a bad position that I almost felt hopeless and stuck, and by finding this site I became optimistic about my situation, and I started to read the books and hope to work towards recovery from the issues I was struggling. I Daven to Hashem every day to help me out with my struggles and lead towards recovery.

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 19:30 #274164

  • Markz
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Look how many guys get to GYE

How did you find out about GYE?
tocontrolmyself wrote:
my maggid shiur mentined it in shiur and when i talked to a member of hanhola about hzl he recommended looking it up

Yosef Hatzadik wrote:
A choshuva rav in Brooklyn who knows about my nisyonos referred me to GUARD YOUR EYES.

Later received info that a Chasidishe Rov in Yerushalayim supplied a yungerman with the url to this site

shemirateinayim wrote:
cooooool... WHich brings me to beleive that the ideal target audience for our advertisements should be rabbanim and mechanchim. Untill we have a parve equivilant of GYE, they will serve as the greatest refferal service for this program, in addition to preventing the issue by demanding their kehila install monitoring software on their computers!

lomed wrote:
I saw an ad in a local shul. The ad was mainly for fundraising, but also included info on how to reach GYE. Thanks to hashem and to his Shliach the founders and supporters of GYE.

abe2710 wrote:
...one day my chavrusa (yes i am in kollel yes i live/d a double life) told me about his younger brother. i am very worried about him he told me he has been struggling with his yiddishkite for a long time a now he got himself a smart phone who knows what he will get up to with an unlimited internet connection the internet is full of schmutz. i nodded my head and said yep i have heard that its mamish terrible (as if i dont know for myself ). then he told me you know i went on to this website called guardyoureyes and i got them to send him an anonymous e-mail. he then proceeded to explain that GYE is a website that help people who are having trouble with the internet. i nodded along trying to act nonchalant, but inside i felt a glimmer of hope maybe there is a way for me to escape from this jail.when i got home on went to this website and the rest as they say is history

jamies wrote:
IM from LONDON!!!

but found out about it when i was in...yes youve guessed NEW YORK

i went to YU for a shabbos to visit on of my friends on the smechia programme and there were posrters everywhere!

StrugglingGuy wrote:
from Baltimore, I am in YU.

There is a GYE sign up in YU (101 and in the back of gluek 2nd flr), thats where I found out about it.

anongye wrote:
shul newsletter


markz wrote:
Rabbi Rav Rebbe Cordnoy wrote:

Re: Dear R,R & R (Rabbi, Rav & Rebbe)

In conclusion: if there is one idea that everyone associated with GYE can agree upon (and yes, i mean you as well), and if you would ask yourself, what would be the number one advice you can give someone, or what would be somethin' that can help another get out of this mess? I believe the answer would be to somehow get out of the isolation. Remove the blanket. GEt out of the closet! Somehow, get it into the open (and no; don't broadcast it on CNN), for a heavy load will be removed from your shoulders. Our leaders can help with that....somehow.

Thanks (and sorry for the ramble)


The idea of having a rabbi asking personal question, only works if the congregant is close to him personally, as was in prior generations, not anymore
Many rabbis are great in one area only, each to his own. Some specialize in Halacha, some in hashkafa, some in rhetoric...

What I do believe should be encouraged by RRR's is general awakening to the guardyoureyes website at least 2x/yr for awareness how to protect yourself and your children from devices, Internet etc...

If the rabbi sounds intelligent, members may of their own accord feel comfortable to approach him, after his broaching the topic in general terms.

Posters of gye should be placed bi-annually, and many curious eyes will decide to check it out - why not

Is this the reality nowadays?

Are there posters of gye in every Shul...?

Are rabbis promoting gye in general?

How can we get all rabbis to do this?
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Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 20:07 #274167

  • Workingguy
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I found out about it years and years ago- probably right near the beginning but it wasn't remotely as robust as it is now, so there wasn't much that I felt can help me back then.

Rabbis don't talk about it so much bc they don't talk about this issue so much. They may talk about proper filters, but they don't say "hey, anyone who has a sex addiction, your first stop should be GYE" bc they don't talk about sex addiction.

However, I do think it has pretty good exposure. It's all over matzav and the yeshivaworld, and there is a new english Shmiras Einayim boom that mentions in one of the early footnotes that if you need help, check out GYE. It's been in Mishpacha stories as well.

But I hear the problem, and don't have much to offer in the way of solutions.

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 20:34 #274170

  • Markz
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hey, anyone who has a sex addiction, your first stop should be GYE"

I hope you weren't serious

A normal rabbi would talk about kedusha during Shovavim and Aseres Yemei teshuva, and that's a good opportunity for him to say
"I want to be modia the oilam about a great website that I have researched and that has helped many people with their shemiras Einayim and Kedusha"

If I would have heard that from my Rav 5 years ago I would be 5 years clean - I would have gone right away and checked out gye

I would have had 82000 posts by now... Shucks :-(
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Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 22:08 #274176

  • Workingguy
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markz wrote:

hey, anyone who has a sex addiction, your first stop should be GYE"

I hope you weren't serious

A normal rabbi would talk about kedusha during Shovavim and Aseres Yemei teshuva, and that's a good opportunity for him to say
"I want to be modia the oilam about a great website that I have researched and that has helped many people with their shemiras Einayim and Kedusha"

If I would have heard that from my Rav 5 years ago I would be 5 years clean - I would have gone right away and checked out gye

I would have had 82000 posts by now... Shucks :-(

I was serious. I agree with you that Rabbis SHOULD talk about it and indeed say it the way that you laid it out. What I was saying is that Rabbis DON'T say it bc even after all the talk about Internet and assifahs and TAG, rabbis and people in general don't actually talk about PROBLEMS that people have with Internet, etc.

They'll talk about why you need good filters, etc but totally avoid acknowledging that there are serious issues out there.

I hope you understand that I was saying it in an extremely open fashion to highlight how far that is from ever being said- either in the somewhat crass way I said or in the way you so nicely put it.

It just seems like one of those issues that people dance around and aren't comfortable talking about, rabbis included. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've had conversations with upstanding frum people and based on a reference or an allusion they make, I say to myself "You, too? You just gave yourself away!"

But of course we can never actually say that bc it's not polite (sarcastic) and we ourselves are too embarrassed.

To sum up, I agree with you but it doesn't happen today. It's up to people like us when we do sense it in someone else to bring up the conversation.

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 23:15 #274187

  • shlomo24
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I found out from an addiction specialist. I see GYE ads all over the place nowadays though.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 13 Jan 2016 23:24 #274193

  • Markz
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9494 wrote:
I saw it on the world wide web
Yeah me too

And that's where I'm from :-)
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Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 14 Jan 2016 05:34 #274250

  • Yesod
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9494 wrote:
I saw it on the world wide web

Where's that, heard it's near Canada or something?

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 14 Jan 2016 19:26 #274319

  • cordnoy
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markz wrote:

hey, anyone who has a sex addiction, your first stop should be GYE"

I hope you weren't serious

A normal rabbi would talk about kedusha during Shovavim and Aseres Yemei teshuva, and that's a good opportunity for him to say
"I want to be modia the oilam about a great website that I have researched and that has helped many people with their shemiras Einayim and Kedusha"

If I would have heard that from my Rav 5 years ago I would be 5 years clean - I would have gone right away and checked out gye

I would have had 82000 posts by now... Shucks :-(

Thank God!
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 14 Jan 2016 23:37 #274360

  • dovb
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googled "chizuk in shmiras einayim"

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 31 Jan 2016 02:59 #276002

  • Donetoday
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Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 18 Apr 2016 15:11 #285006

  • Markz
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Abie, thanks for letting me know the "Free Towing" thread had a un-usable link which I corrected to here!

Anyone else want to add their 'backlink'? How did you find out about gye?
Are there any marxists here
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Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 18 Apr 2016 15:43 #285017

  • Aryeh821
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I think I Saw an ad in yeshivah world news
Soberity is a journey NOT a destination 

Re: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT GYE? - (oh, and Where are you from?) 21 Apr 2016 01:25 #285530

  • shmulyz19
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My parents told me. and here I am. Location??? ok here goes Bristol Wisconsin
 I fell last night unfortunately. 
I am not a therapist offering advice. I am merely a concerned poster and Friend.. You can do it. KOT. 

Please chat me anytime. I'm all ears. Thank You
Thank you... Shmuly
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