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TOPIC: A step UP! 1419 Views

A step UP! 30 Apr 2012 02:33 #136468

  • Yehuda0612
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 19
  • Karma: 3
Today I took a step up and I want to share that with everyone here.
I've had a filter on my computer for over a year now. Recently I discovered a certain website for steaming videos wasn't blocked by the filter.
Before I knew it I was watching video after video, show after show. I knew something needed to be done. It came to a point where I wasn't even watching anything entertaining. I was just looking for something to "do".
Looking back, this was so sad. We live in a day and age now where people lose there individuality and creativity. People are fed ideas of what they should do with there spare time. Whether it's watching a movie or TV, or texting, people are slaves to these things.
I have a rebbi with 9 kids K'H and they don't have internet or TV. When I go to my rebbi's house, I see that the kids find things to do with there time, b/c they are not given the "lazy" choice of just watching a movie.
Anyways, I was watching a move today and I stopped to go daven mincha. When I was davening mincha I realized that this needed to stop. In the past few years I've made so much progress in gaining shimras anayim that this fallback was almost silly. I davened to Hashem to help me block this website from my computer and break free! When I got home I logged onto GYE and got a filter gabbai to take care of it. Now my computer is cleaner.
I'm posting this today b/c I feel like I've passed over a nisayon and I want to give chizuk to other people. If you feel like you need to watch movies or TV, or listen to goyish music, there are solutions. There are people around to help you and once you pass this, it will be the greatest step in your life.
So jump on and do what you gotta' do!!!

Re: A step UP! 02 May 2012 18:36 #136653

  • hubabuba
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 423
  • Karma: 0
Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational decision!

Re: A step UP! 09 May 2012 08:28 #136979

  • Kevin Pond
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 120
  • Karma: 0
Thanks, Yehuda. this was very helpful & inspiring!
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