chaimoigen wrote on 09 Jan 2025 04:37:
Shalom! Just catching up on this Choshuva thread, maybe we can publish it in the upcoming edition of HaTevuna!
LOL! listen if r' leib [who had a big and important agenda by printing them] didn't publish the last one, (there are a few select copies) because he was worried about the kovod of the ruv, (i heard from 2 choshuvim that the reason was because he wasn't maskim to the ruvs mehodrin shtikel that he sent in, and it would be a bizoyon to print it or to send it back, the famous shtikel thats in sefer!!!!!! mochlokos between those choshuvim if it was because of r' shach q. or the etzem yesod, a 3rd adam choshuv told me that r' binyomin zatz''l told him that it wasn't published because of someones kovod, without specifying who's), than i'm shtark choshesh that my thread ain't getting near there.