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I need to change!!!
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TOPIC: I need to change!!! 683 Views

I need to change!!! 15 Jul 2015 22:07 #259553

  • nashgiants
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
  • Karma: 0
I began masturbating long before I ever watched porn. I must have been about 15 at the time. Now I am 25 married with two kids and this is the second time my wife has caught me. The first time I told myself i would never again do it but shortly after I started again I just became more discreet. I would have an internal struggle every time I was going to do it eventually loosing to my desire. After wards I would be mad at myself and tell myself I am stopping from now on but that never lasted to long then she caught me again almost a year and a half latter. It kills me that I can't control myself and hurt her in the process. I worry about what will happen to our family if I don't get help now!!! I am not usually a guy who is open or speaks publicly which is why I have a hard time doing something like this but i have no other choice. I am open to any suggestions I can get on how to control myself and mend my relationship.

Re: I need to change!!! 15 Jul 2015 22:24 #259556

  • yudi
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Hi NashGiants,

Welcome to GYE and thanks for sharing!

You've come to the right place, for sure, and you're not alone. Most (if not all) of us have very similar issues, and came to GYE to find a way out of our addiction to m*st*rb*ti*n and p*rn (or worse). Take a look around the website and the many resources that are available to help in this struggle (especially under the GYE Program menu heading).

Personally, I am on the 90 day chart, which really helped me and my momentum. Stay in touch and keep on posting to your thread to let us know how you are progressing!

Hatzlacha Rabah!

Re: I need to change!!! 15 Jul 2015 22:27 #259557

  • lamplighter
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 40
  • Karma: 6
hey you found the best place to take care of it!!

a lot of material is available to read on this website.

i would suggest you to start with handbook i personnally found it very helpful, keep on posting and sharing with other people here its a big source of help and inspiration!

all the best!

ONE day at a time!!
_ _ _
why is my name lamplighter?
the answer is in the link below!

Re: I need to change!!! 15 Jul 2015 22:49 #259559

  • nashgiants
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
  • Karma: 0
What do people generally do with regards to speaking to your Rov about this? Is it necessary or just helpful?

Re: I need to change!!! 15 Jul 2015 23:25 #259561

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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nashgiants wrote:
What do people generally do with regards to speaking to your Rov about this? Is it necessary or just helpful?


If you have a rav that you are comfortable speaking to and it seems that he can provide support for you, go for it!

My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: I need to change!!! 16 Jul 2015 01:29 #259575

Welcome nashgiants.

Posting here on GYE was an intelligent and brave move. Doubly for you as you admit these things are particularly difficult for you.

Hatzlocho Raboh!
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