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Just wanted to say hello..Shanah Tovah :)
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TOPIC: Just wanted to say hello..Shanah Tovah :) 520 Views

Just wanted to say hello..Shanah Tovah :) 06 Oct 2014 05:09 #240912

  • chabadkooknik
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I'm not big on writing, but just like davening if no one felt "in the mood" when it came to davening who would do the Mitzvot? What I mean is.... as an addict it's so easy to isolate myself and not reach out. The predisposition to being a recluse is a very narcissistic thing...really it's exactly what the Yetzer hara wants us to do. Avoid all healthy association, avoid our brothers, avoid our community, and ultimately avoid our sobriety and a life of meaning.

So with that in mind I just want to say hello to you all. A Shanah Tova from Los Angeles. I'm a Baal Teshuva with a pretty miserable track record when it comes to staying on the derech, but I just had this flash of an insight...of course I don't know how to stay on the derech...I'M A SEX ADDICT...LOL... I'm lucky that I can tie my shoes much less contemplate the Halachot regarding which shoe goes on which foot and in what order.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say hello and I am going to get this year off right by frequenting G.U.E on a daily basis. Tomorrow is my 60th day sober.

Hatzlacha Rabba to us all

Re: Just wanted to say hello..Shanah Tovah :) 06 Oct 2014 05:34 #240914

  • dms1234
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Remember one day at a time and its good to admit our problems.

What exactly do you struggle with and what exactly are doing to stay clean?

Have you read the GYE Handbook? Also check out: Skep's tips
I am happy to speak on the phone. Please email me at dms1234ongye@gmail.com

My name is Daniel, I go to face to face meetings and I work the 12 steps with a sponsor. 

Re: Just wanted to say hello..Shanah Tovah :) 06 Oct 2014 06:38 #240920

  • shomer bro
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We're all baalei teshuva in that we've come together here to seek help and improve our lives and relationships with Hashem. Keep on posting, what you're story is (it can really help to finally tell someone who'll understand).
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