I know exactly whats like, I have many kids yearly gaped, you can imagine..........
now just think for one minute, god gave us a mitzveh of piryeh veruvyeh, to multiply, and bring down children
why do we need to get married for that?, why cant it be just mating like animals? why MARRIAGE?
who needs a bond for life? without marriage we could learn a lot more, we could live on a smaller budget
if we need freindship, we can find a tennis partner, to share freinship, why marriage?
the answer is, that a freind wouldnt put you in shape, he wouldnt ask you to help with kids, to take out the garbage, to go shopping, pay his bills, take children to school, listen hours to their talk, do any house choirs
this is exactly the purpose of marriage, exactly what we go thru every single day, this polishes us
another small help would be, its called EMPATHY, which means, to put yourself in the other persons shoes, look from her perspective, imagine you are the housewife and your husband is coming home after you had a long hard mitchening endleess day, all you want to is just to breath some fresh air for a few minutes
it will also help, in the seforim its said that as much as we respect hashem, that much the wife respects the husband, she is merely a shliach a messanger of hashem