battleworn wrote on 03 Jul 2009 09:18:
Two suggestions:
1- let us each think and PM eachother what our personal goal in sobriety/staying clean really is, for ourselves today
..and even if they come out to be slightly different:
2- let each contributor agree on what makes us similar and make that clear in writing, for ourselves, and perhaps as a JA (jewish addicts) motto. I think these are a good basis for working together. What do you think?
As for me, I like Dov's idea, but I need a little clarification. My main question is what do you mean "today" ? Does it mean as of today what is your goal (for life)? Or what is your goal for today?
Yes, I meant the first thing: as of this moment/today, what is your personal goal for recovery. ("to be/be able to...", "to have...", whatever)
Esteemed folks: We all wax very thoughtful in this venue, myself not the least, so here is a request: Please, please, if you elect to answer this question at all, please consider expressing your own,
personal goal in "recovery" (or
whatever you choose to call it) and
notnecessarily what your
shittah about the purpose or definition of recovery is.
For example: I believe we all agree that the "big picture/
groiseh plahn" for our (or any) recovery is to do the mitzvah of teshuva, live close with Hashem, become true ovdei Hashem, and do our part to bring moshiach. BUT personally - just for me - I find that taking a "back seat" to what Hashem is using
my recovery to accomplish in the velt is essential to my recovery itself. Actually, I feel it is is my "mitzvah" to remain in the trunk or glove compartment...don't worry, friends, there is plenty air back here... Hey! :o a "bike" doesn't
have a glove compartment!! ;D
My approach to
my own recovery is like the my perception of the Nodah Biyehuda's approach to mitzvos with respect to the issue of "
leshem yichud's" - "what is it your business
what Hashem does with the mitzvah? Better to focus on simply and honestly doing His Will with your
whole heart and He'll get the right job done."
I believe his approach is that getting "involved" in the mechanics, definitions, and outcomes will lead to the very mistaken idea that I'm a baaylim, guiding it, and directing the process in some way, which - in mitzvos - could be very bad (besides just plain silly)...(they are "eivorim deMalka", not mine!)
In recovery, being that I came from a place of believing that I must control and manipulate everything and everybody to get what I felt I
needed while actually being totally out of control of others, of my life, and eventually even of my
self, I now find it quite natural to
remain that way - out of control - of my recovery outcomes. (as a sponsor, this includes other people's recovery: I can't instruct and direct them, can't fix them, and I am really just a shaliach of Hashem, who has plenty other shluchinm to use, and I can only
share) I need to leave it all in Hashem's "hands". If He considers what I am doing in recovery "teshuvah", so be it. Wonderful, but none of my business.
I do
not take that approach in mitzvos, possibly in line w/the retort of the Be'er Mayim Chayim (and say lots of l'sheim yichuds) interestingly. (Actually it may only be
interesting to me and is likely quite boring to anyone else! ;D) So I wouldn't honestly say my goal is "to do teshuvah" per se, and I am not comfortable considering my "victory over Lust" a tikkun of midas yesod, sexuality, or any source of kedusha/zechus at all for me.
Rather I use the program (the steps) to remain sane so I can stay clean and be useful to "elokim va'anashim" (as re:shmuel hanavi), living
whatever Hashem's will for me is, completely
undistracted by lust.
Obviously, many here take a very different tack and they approach their own personal recovery as flowing
directly out of and motivated by the mitzvah of teshuvah and their avoidance of (what I call) "distraction by lust" is truly milchemes hayetzer". It therefore defines a major part of of their actual, direct avodas Hashem, as opposed to it being a "heichi timtza/catalyst".
My point here is "how does it actually work for you?". I am not in the business of judging, I just think it is important to recognize and leave room for everybody, and avoid any arguing along the way. You'll hear my bike some oil?
Sorry for the wordiness, :

Also to me, my goal in staying clean is synonomous with my goal in life in general. And one more point. I need to warn you that R' Tvi Meir taught me to set very high goals. When we have Emunah and Bitachon there's no danger of being dissapointed, so the higher the goals the better. [Also when you have Emunah nothing is unrealistic]
P.S. Chevra please give me feedback to reply #27. [Here or privately]
is that reply?
PS. I'll be on complete vacation from any computers for a week in the mountains, so have a great next week w/o my droning long posts! :-*