DeterminedtoWin wrote on 16 Feb 2021 01:13:
B"H another great day!
Today for some reason I got a few pssts from the Yetzer Hara. Nothing crazy, just little niggling urges here and there. B"H I was able to simply acknowledge them, be aware of them, and allow them to be without fighting them or engaging them. I just noticed the little nudges as they came and went and b"H I was able to get through my day without any issues. Be"H tomorrow will be a fresh new day I will be left alone, but be"H I will be okay with whatever tomorrow may bring.
I'll be keeping you posted!
It's very impressive to see how you clearly identify your enemy...
Rav Avigdor Miller writes, that’s why Hakodosh Boruch Hu commanded Moshe Rabeinu to put the snake very high up on a pole – because that’s the opposite of what the
yetzer hara wants
. He wants to be as low as possible, that nobody should see him. Nobody should know of him. That’s when he’s most effective. He says, “Don’t talk about me. I’m an
anav. I don’t want publicity. My success is incognito.” And so, “Put him on a high pole,” Hashem said. “Let everybody see the peril, the
sakanah, so that they can overcome it.”