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Your "GYE Program in a Nut Shell" is Great Stuff

Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW, President of Nefesh - the International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals, wrote:

Thursday, 22 December 2011

I have recently worked with clients suffering from sexual and/or internet addictions who have been helped by your organization, Guard Your Eyes. I appreciate your balanced and sensitive approach in helping frum people who express a desire to live in accordance with halachic and Torah principles.

I believe you are a wonderful resource for frum clients, not as a substitute for therapy, but as an adjunct to the treatment process.

Your "GYE Program in a Nut Shell" is great stuff. I see you have learned from experience, hence your TaPHSiC method warns people about overdoing shavuous etc. I have one recommendation for the program... Although I understand that you put 12 steps at a much later stage, really everyone can benefit from it. The Twelve steps are a way to do more than just "sur me-ra" and actually do "asey tov", which I think is powerful. It is easier to abstain when you fill up the void with something positive and meaningful.

So how about strongly recommending 12 steps for level 2 and beyond, while requiring it at a later level?