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Boruch’s Story

Sunday, 11 March 2012
Part 2/2 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Therapy for both myself and my wife was going nowhere. We were totally stuck. I needed an absolute miracle to recover and so did she.

But I never joined SA for any of that, I did not and could not have believed that SA could help me in those areas. I joined SA for one reason only - I wanted to get sober from my addiction. I never knew that Hashem would guide me to an SA sponsor who would take me several times through all 12 Steps of SA. I never dreamed that after doing my hishtadlus (effort) in following my sponsor's guidance on Step Taking,I would experience the miracle of Hashem's healing in a way that I could never have imagined.

Today, 137 days later, I am off medication and have never felt better. With the guidance of my SA sponsor and the blessing of my therapist, I no longer need therapy and I am calmer and happier than I have ever been. After I was 65 days in SA, I disclosed my addiction to my wife and she joined S-Anon and later changed therapists at the recommendation of a fellow S-Anon member. Be'Chasdei Hashem her depression has lifted and last week she had her last therapy session with the blessing of her new therapist, and we are now - one day at a time - getting closer to each other than we have ever been.

Today, without any struggling at all, I eat three full nutritious and balanced meals a day and I have lost over 25 lbs since 3 days before Pesach, for a total loss of over a full quarter of my body weight, from my all-time high of 225 lb over a year ago. My blood pressure is now text-book 120 over 80. And as a rule, Boruch Hashem, I now get a decent night's sleep every night of the week.

Today, for the first time ever, my wife and I have a daily record-keeping of everything we spend and earn. I know exactly how much I owe and to whom. With Hashem's help, one day at a time, we are now working towards earning wiser, spending wiser and with Hashem's bracha we are working on becoming debt-free.

But most importantly for me, life is no longer about me. Life is now about my wife, my children, and everyone else around me. Hashem has blessed me with three wonderful SA sponsees with whom I have been fortunate to share the life-giving message I got from my sponsor.Having shared my sponsor's message with three others, I am now back here on this forum to share my sponsor's message with anyone out there who cares to listen.

Even if I am the only one listening, that is fine for me, because even though I have gotten so much - so soon, it is so good that I just can't get enough of it --- I just have to keep coming back for more...

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