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My Chaver, Tatte & Coach

Monday, 16 January 2012

When I am faced with a big test, I see it as a personal smile from G-d Himself telling me face to face with love, "I KNOW you have a yetzer hara, and I also know that YOU, YES YOU and ONLY YOU, can overcome it. This is something that all of heaven and any angel doesn't have the ability to do!"

I rejoice inside at such a close relationship with Hashem. A smile appears then, as I see my children next to me in my mind, and they view me caring for them, as I simultaneously see (for real) Hashem caring for me. I, as well as them, am 'alive' as a yid!

Hashem as a 'chaver/Tatte/coach smiles back to me as if saying.... "We're making a great life full of energy together! You've got plenty of teammates and a coach/Tatte who loves you and knows what a star player you are! Let's win this game! I'm taking full care of you, all the time!"

And when I feel this, I REALLY have to prove I want to be good... Hashem just doesn't let up wanting to get love from me :)