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Principle 3: You are not alone

Thursday, 24 November 2011
Principle 3: You are not alone

Almost everyone struggles with lust on some level, and a high percentage have stumbled in these areas as well. Rav Wolbe Zatza”l in his Sefer “Psychiatry and Religion” (Pg. 82) writes: “The difficult phase of adolescence is fertile soil for feelings of guilt, especially for religious youth. Masturbation is a serious prohibition. Yet almost all youth stumble with this and are unable to find the strength to overcome this in any way.” (See tool 5 in part 1 of this handbook for more of what he suggests). Even Tzadikim of previous generations struggled in this area (as they mention “the sins of their youth”), so you can imagine that those who seek purity in a generation such as ours are truly from Hashem’s greatest warriors! In the GYE community, you will find thousands of religious Jews like yourself, struggling in these areas. On our lively and vibrant forum at, people like yourself exchange questions and tons of Chizuk, post logs of their progress and share experience and hope. And you can also read the many stories on our website to see what others have gone through and how they have succeeded.