Principle 13: Every Little Bit Counts

Friday, 11 November 2011
Principle 13: Every Little Bit Counts

We must believe that coin after coin are added to our “spiritual bank” every time we say “no” to the Yetzer Hara, no matter how insignificant it may seem to us at the time. Even if someone is sure that they’ll fall in the very near future, they should know that for every second they hold back, they are earning reward that no person or malach can fathom! And when a person has enough “coins” in their “spiritual account”, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!

The Gemara says: "Habah letaher misaayen lo– He who comes to be purified, they help him," and Chazal also say: "Biderech she'adom rotzeh leilech molichin osoh – in the way a person wants to go, they lead him." Why does the Gemara speak always in plural form: “they help him,” and “they lead him”? The Maharsha explains that every resolution and every effort that a person makes creates an angel. And when the army of angels gets large enough, it has the power to help one overcome all the obstacles and lead him to where he wants to go!