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The Month of Renewal

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Rosh Chodesh is a time of Hischadshus, Renewal. Its also a Limud for us not to give in, because always when the moon is in its smallest position, it's a sign that it starts to grow again. Rosh Chodesh Nissan even more. It's Rosh Chadashim - the foremost time of "renewal". It's a beginning of a new year, the beginning of the spring, Chodesh Ho'oviv. Nisson is also the month of Geulah. I've also learnt that this chodesh has a tremendous Koach to add Kedusha to our lives.

In the past few years I knew most of this all, more or less. So what's gonna be special about this year? My Tefilah, my Kavanah. I'm going to daven to Hashem for my own renewal. For a "spring" in my soul. For a real Geulah in myself. Geulah from all the shmutz, all the Taivos, all the bad desires. I'm gonna daven for Kedusha. I'm going to daven that no matter what, I should have the Koichos to keep going, even when the moon is so small, that I can barely see it. And for sure I'm going to daven for u!!!!

Hashem listens to all of us, "Lichol Asher Yikre'uhu Be'emes"!!! Just ask be'emes!! That's all we gotta do.

I wish us all a true Hischadshus, a Geulah in ourselves, and Geulah to Am Yisroel, Bimheyro biyomeynu, Omein!