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A big Mazal Tov to "7Up" on reaching 90 days

Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Part 4/4 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Below are another few inspiring "random" posts from 7Up:

I've been an addict for close to 30 years! I've been working and battling this for at least 20 - alone. The difference is that NOW, I will succeed. Hashem has been helping me all along, but NOW, I have all you guys too. AND THAT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. The seeds have been sown a long time, but GYE will be the water after 30 years of drought.


Hashem is so good to me! I could not do this on my own will or power! I tried so many times and failed. Today Hashem is holding my hand and I feel His love like never before! I don't know about you, but to me, feeling His hand holding and love makes this whole nisayon worth it. Really.


Talking to my Tatte in Shamayim is something I do every second of my day. We 'shmooze' while I'm cooking, crossing the street or even yelling at the kids! I thank Him when I make the bus, and when I miss it too. In short, Hashem is my best friend, Father and Teacher. Not only does He know everything anyway, but He knows me much better than I will ever know myself.


NOTHING is more important to me than Ratzon Hashem. Daily, I daven with all my heart that I should be a source of a kiddush Hashem and for the chance to grow closer. I would do ANYTHING to reach this goal. Even giving up all physical pleasure on every level forever, would be a small sacrifice towards that goal.

Well, it's not for nothing she earned the title "GYE Rebbetzin"!

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