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Partner Program Overview

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Men's Partner/Mentor Program

January16's Profile

Listing Options
He is looking For a Mentor
  Contact Info   
Region North America
Contact preferences Phone, Text Messaging
Correspondance Frequency Wants to be in touch on a daily basis
Languages English
  Personal Info  
Age 25
Marital status Married
Children 1
Religious from birth Yes
Additional info I have never gave stopping a serious effort, but I am ready to try
Story I'm a motivated person, my struggle has really impacted my life, at different times to different degrees. Currently really having negative impact. Always been aware of the need to stop, have spoken to therapist many times. For me personal accountability is something I think works. Not exactly sure whether the GYE program and mentorship etc. Where it will lead, but definitely want to find out, and hoping for the best.

Connect with January16

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