Since I have subscribed, I tried to fight against my Yetzer HaRa, and it had been a brutal war. Baruch HaShem, my cellphone is "calm." But the problem is the women in the streets. I cannot think of anything good, and sometimes, I don't feel G-d around me. If there was any way to help me...
Thank you for helping me in this struggle. Blessings of HaShem upon you.
-Street Fighter
Dear Fighter,
here are some suggestions from GYE members about conduct on the streets:
"Yaakov Avinu took 3 steps: 1) Strategy – splitting his camps so that at least one camp could flee if the other was attacked; 2) Prepare for battle; 3) Tefillah.
"In the same way, before we embark on an encounter with the challenging world, we too must prepare with these 3 steps:
1) Strategy – figuring out if there’s another, less challenging way, to travel or get to our destination (“Darka Achrina”) or perhaps to read a book on a train, or make a phone call if applicable, or whatever strategy may help alleviate and avoid the challenges.
2) Prepare for battle – to charge oneself up beforehand, knowing what you may see, and getting ready to not take “a second look.” As mentioned in the GYE materials – “the first look is on G-d, and the second look is on YOU” (meaning He prepared this challenge, and that first glance is not your fault – YOUR job is not taking that second glance.)
3) Tefilla – offering an (even quick) Tefillah before venturing outside or anywhere challenging that Hashem help us overcome this huge challenge of our generation.
In this way, we’re prepared like Yaakov Avinu!"
-Rabbi SB