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Filters for Mobile Devices (Updated March 1, 2012)

Please note: We are always in the process of researching better and stronger Filters & Monitors for all kind Smartphones. Please check back to this page from time to time for new available options.

Wednesday, 08 February 2012

Filtering & Monitoring for Android devices:

Android devices are particularly hard to filter. There are workarounds, loopholes etc. So in conjunction with a filter, reporting software is highly advisable, which will monitor all web logs and send a report to your Rav or chaver, or whomever you choose.

Filtering & Monitoring in one (FREE) - for Android devices:

1) Go to to sign up for a free Norton Safety Minder account. (This should be done by someone else that you trust).

2) From your Android phone, go to to download & install the Norton Safety Minder ‘App’.

3) If you need to make any changes to Norton filter in the future, you should contact the partner who set up the account for you, and he can make the changes from any computer by logging into the Norton Safety Minder account.

4) Norton Safety Minder only filters the 'Android Default Browser', not third party browsers like Opera or Dalphin. In order to stay protected please make sure: 1. To uninstall any third party Browser from your phone. 2. Lock the 'Android Market' so you can’t download a new browser in the future. (To lock the Android Market, download Smart App Protector+ ($1.50) over here and have a Rav, friend or spouse put in and hold the password for you. (This App requires that there should be a SD card in your phone. Just make sure you have one).

Advanced Monitoring for the Android:

P.S. Currently, Norton Safety Minder only works on Android 2.2 and 2.3. If Norton Safety Minder don't work on your Android phone, please take the alternative solution here.


Filters for BlackBerry:

No Internet on the Blackberry:

NEW! Download the ‘GYE BlackBerry App’ here (Compatible with Platform 5+ or OS 6+). After installation, this App will lock your Browser and the BlackBerry App Store, and it sends the password to GYE’s special BB volunteer ( You can always add applications to be blocked by opening the ‘GYE’ App from the ‘Menu’ item, and then clicking ‘Add Applications’. If you need to access your Browser or other blocked applications, you should contact GYE Help Support to get the password. A new password is sent to GYE every time the password unlocks the app.

Please note: You must have your email account set up before you run this application. Otherwise this application will not work, and will not lock anything.

Alternative ‘No Internet’ Solution

Download EveryLock (US $1.99) here: Have a Rav, friend or spouse set up and keep the password for you. They should lock the Browser, App store, Options, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Filtered Internet on the Blackberry:

Jnet Mobile:

Monitoring for the Blackberry:


Note: not compatible with all OS versions.


Filters For iPhone, iTouch, iPad:

Download K9 Web Browser here: Go to Settings > General > Restrictions, and enable restrictions. Then have your friend or spouse put in and keep the 4 digit password for you. Then switch the following to “Off”: Safari, YouTube, iTunes, etc. Also switch "off" 'Installing Apps', or at least set the level of 'allowed download apps' to 12+ (this will prevent anyone from downloading new unfiltered browsers). For detailed graphical instructions see here

For Monitoring:

Covenant Eyes for iPhone:

Please note that ‘Covenant Eyes’ is a Monitored Browser ONLY. While using this browser you will not be filtered.


Please note: We are constantly doing research and testing for better and stronger filters & monitors for all Smartphones. Please check out our ‘Prevention’ website at for new updates. If you find any loophole in any of the filters, please notify us immediately.

Important information: All major cellphone carriers have some level of content filtering that can be applied to your account upon request (usually only available for monthly subscribers and not for prepaid clients).

Here is a link to a full list of all major carriers 'Content Filtering / Parental Controls' websites: