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Dis-abled OR Abled?

Monday, 23 January 2012

Yes it's true. A lust addict has a disability. His mind has been warped to objectify people. He suffers from neediness and vulnerability, and is sometimes prone to depression. He is also limited the range of his activities if he wants to stay sober. He can't just "lust a little" and stay safe like everyone else. He has difficulties at family Simchos and outings, even when just taking his kids to the Zoo. He can't browse the internet without filters. He can't use YouTube or FaceBook, it's just too dangerous. And he can't watch today's movies, no matter how much his friends are all talking about them. Some people might call this "disabled"... But let's stop and think for a second.

Does this addict still have eyes?

Well this guy doesn't.

Click the link and watch the clip from We can all learn from Patrick the power to "see" the good in everything (as he says "I don't have disabilities, I have abilities"). And we can all learn from him the power to reach our full potential with whatever tools we WERE given, instead of focusing on what we CAN'T do.

And if we learn to use what we DO have to the best of our ability, we might be surprised one day to look back and see that what we thought we were "disabled" with, has turned out to be our greatest blessing.