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The Battle of the Generation

Monday, 19 October 2020
Part 45/141 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

But as the Kochvei Ohr (Chapter 10) explains, Plimo forgot one important principle: that man lacks the strength to defeat the yetzer hara without Hashem’s help (Sukkah 52b). The yetzer hara is a mighty warrior whom Hashem created to challenge us. He is an angel who knows every trick, while man is just flesh and blood. The yetzer hara is much stronger than us; however, Hashem limits the yetzer hara’s power to the exact amount we should face according to our level, and He also gives us the strength to fight back and win. It is only because of Hashem’s constant assistance that we can prevail.

Therefore, when Plimo fired himself up by saying he would destroy the yetzer hara, he was making a mistake that touched upon arrogance. He felt stronger than the yetzer hara without recalling that he was succeeding only with Hashem’s help. Thus, the yetzer hara had to teach him to instead say that Hashem should help him beat the yetzer hara. This would remind him of this important message: without Hashem’s aid, man cannot overcome the yetzer hara, but because Hashem is always helping man, he can find the strength within himself to win.

The yetzer hara, disguised as the voice of desire, is our most dangerous enemy. He entices us with all sorts of excitement and claims to only want us to enjoy. But when the dust settles, we realize that he was never trying to bring us any pleasure at all. He was just trying to make us miserable and to ruin both worlds for us. How determined should we be to obliterate such a ruthless enemy? We should pray for Hashem’s help, and then we should be fired up to clobber the yetzer hara by winning our battles, knowing that these victories also bring us the best life in both worlds.

Plimo’s mantra teaches us the importance of remembering that we have an enemy trying to make us stumble. If we remember what the yetzer hara’s goal is and what ours should be, it will be clear that it really is him talking in our heads, deceiving us in order to hurt us. We will recognize him and not fall for his traps, and we will have the strength to defeat him.

Another tactic we can use to see through desire is to calculate the probable results of each of our options. This works best when we write them down on paper. (We can shred it afterward if we are worried that others will see it.) Writing it out clarifies the situation, saving us from confusion. By determining the short- and long-term outcomes, we will have the clarity to make the right choice despite any urge to act differently. When we calculate those future consequences, we will realize there is more than just this moment. By asking ourselves which decision will leave us happiest and best off in the future, we will have the strength to choose correctly.

We should also try to remember that Hashem is watching and rooting for us to succeed. Hashem gave us this challenging situation as an opportunity for us to become greater, and He is at our side as we battle. If we remember this, we will appreciate the significance of our actions and feel so fortunate that we can succeed. This outlook toward our challenges will help us achieve phenomenal success.

Remembering that Hashem is present helps us prevail. The way to remember Him when we are challenged is to develop a relationship with Him and to remind ourselves frequently during the day that He is present. When we do mitzvos, we must remember that He is watching and smiling (if it could be). It also helps if we spend time contemplating that Hashem keeps every inch of the universe in existence constantly — nothing can exist for an instant without Him keeping it in existence — and that He runs everything in this world, from the big picture events down to the tiniest details. The more we think about Hashem, the more likely we will remember when we are challenged that we are in His presence.

When we are caught off guard, we instantly change and our battle against desire intensifies. But if we catch ourselves and remember ideas that grant us clarity, we can overcome this incredible challenge and achieve some of the greatest successes ever in the battle of the generation.

Note: For more on battles when we are caught off guard, see Chapter 28.

Quick Recap:

  • We can regain our clarity when caught off guard by isolating our logical and emotion parts and clarifying what each one wants. Similarly, we can do this by clarifying what our enemy the yetzer hara wants and what we want.
  • Another method to overcome confusion is to write down the probable outcomes of the choices we are deciding between.
  • A great way to maintain our clarity is to remind ourselves about our loving relationship with Hashem, Who is begging us to succeed and only brought about this challenge for us to attain greatness by winning!

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