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Day 26: Employ the Power of Viewing Holy Things

Thursday, 17 May 2012
Part 2/3 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

(7) Whoever brings the tzitzit to his eyes when saying Parshat Tzitzit will never lose his sight. (Be'er Hetev)

(8) Looking at the tzitzit inspires one to perform mitz­vot and stops him from randomly following his eyes. We should look at our tzitzit a few times a day. This is especially important and beneficial if an im­pure thought enters your heart. (Shmirat HaLa­shon - [Chafetz Chaim] 2:30)

(9) Before saying Kiddush on Shabbat night, look at the candles. While saying Kiddush, look into the wine cup. (Shulchan Aruch 271:10)

(10) Whenever leaving the house, look at the mezuzah and kiss it. (Ma'aseh Rav HaChadash)

(11) It is a mitzvah to watch other people who are per­forming a mitzvah, just as it was a mitzvah to watch the Kohen Gadol perform his Avodah on Yom Kippur. (Nefesh Kol Chai Phelagi)

(12) If you look at a synagogue or a Beit Midrash you will be spiritually elevated - how much more so if you enter the building. You will be even more elevated if you stand in front of the Ark and look at the holy To­rah. (Rosh HaGivah)

(13) Looking at the four-letter name of G-d - YHVH - and visualizing it is a great spiritual influence and enhances Yirat Shamayim.

(14) Study of the holy Torah imparts holiness, light, and joy to your soul.

Today: Take the opportunity to look at holy sights and know that your soul is uplifted by them.

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