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Up Against the Whole World

Sunday, 12 February 2012

R' Ezriel Tauber Shlit"a was once asked to speak in a certain school where the principal had discovered that the kids were sharing blue movies. This is what he told them.

He said that the 6000 years of creation are split into three parts. The first part corresponds to Eloikai Avraham, the second to Elokai Yitschok and the third to Elokai Yaakov. However the generation before Moshiach is the Chasima (stamp) of creation, and it corresponds to Magen Avraham - as in the first Bracha of Shmoneh Esrei. And that's where we are now.

What was the greatness of Avraham Avinu? That he was able to stand up against an entire world that worshiped Avoda Zora and preach monotheism.

Said R Tauber: When we face a computer with access to the whole world, every one of us is an individual Avrohom Avinu, because we each face-off against an entire world. That is why our generation corresponds to Avraham - and that's why we will be the generation to bring Moshiach!