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The Great Helplessness & the Great Light of Purim

Sunday, 08 April 2012
Part 2/2 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

The Sefer Kav HaYosher says that Taanis Esther is a day that is very auspicious for one's prayers to be answered in the merit of Mordechai and Esther. But the things we can accomplish on Purim itself are even greater. On Purim, "Kol Haposeach Yad Nosnim Lo - whoever asks is given"! (See this story about how this Jew was helped miraculously in his struggle with the Yetzer Hara on Purim).

So everybody, let's get drunk this Purim! When a person is drunk, they can laugh and cry at the same time. Let's get high, dance, sing, laugh and cry to Hashem. Happiness on Purim can bring down the greatest light of the whole year. And saying Tehhilim on Purim with real tears can accomplish miracles you never dreamed were possible!


Along a similar vein, we posted on the forum another deep insight:

It says by Amalek: "Asher Karcha Baderech". The Beis Ahron of Karlin writes that Karcha is a Lashon of:
1) Kora - a heavy beam. The Amalek inside us tries to weigh down heavily in our minds, making the struggle feel so "heavy" and difficult.
2) Kerirus - Coldness. He makes the hearts of the Yidden cold to Avodas Hashem.
3) Keri - impurity. He is always trying to find ways to defile the Jewish soul and get us to be Pogem the holy Bris.

Amalek tries to destroy our minds, our hearts and the holy Bris - from HEAD to FOOT.

On Purim we WON OVER Amalek. How? We give away our minds and hearts to Hashem. We get drunk. We don't think. We don't argue with the Yetzer Hara. We go ABOVE logic. This is the only way to truly fight the Yetzer Hara -"lima'lah min hada'as - above logic". The Yetzer Hara consistently asks questions like Pharaoh did: "Who is Hashem that I should listen to him?" and "What do I have from my Avodas Hashem?" The Yetzer Hara cannot be answered with logic. Instead, as it says by the Rasha on Pesach: "Hakeh es Shinav - Knock out his teeth". Don't even get into an argument with him.

So to all of you who feel there's no hope. Amalek is trying his hardest at this time of year to enter our minds, our hearts and to get control over the holy Bris. Ta'anis Ester is the VESSEL for the light of Purim. The helplessness we feel now is the VESSEL for the light of the salvation that is about to come down. So daven with all your heart this Purim and you will merit to bring it all down!

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