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Living Guilt-Free

How does admitting powerlessness work?

Monday, 20 February 2012

I am new on this website. I have now close to 9 months of sobriety and I am very grateful to Hashem for this. It has given me an unbelievable sense of living guilt-free and normal. Until I started the road of recovery, I always felt like a fake, as if I were living a double-life. The SA program has brought me so much happiness and serenity. Dov's Yesod is something I always felt was peculiar. Why is it that when I try to fight the urge (in the past), I ultimately end up falling on my face? But when I just say "Hey! I am powerless" then it ends up "OK"? My sponsor tells me the same thing all the time so I know it works, but I really don't understand the mechanics of it. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.


"Someone" tries to reply:

I may not be the best person to answer this question, but I'll give it a shot anyway. When you fight the urge, what do you do? You secretly (subconsciously) tell yourself, "I am strong enough, I can do it, I do not need HaShem"... and fall. Because that is arrogance and something HaShem has a deep disregard for, I think. Why else does it say in the Torah "Let US make Man"? The Supreme Being, the essence of everything, is talking to the angels about creating Man. So if He was humble, how MUCH MORE so do we HAVE to be humble?

When you ask HaShem for help (or say that you are powerless), you are admitting that you are not that iron-willed superman. You are HUMBLY asking for help. You are truly relying on HaShem to help you, bringing you much closer to Him. And ultimately, that is what he gave us the struggles for in the first place, I think.