L'fi shek'shemes yaakov nistemu eineihem v'libam shel Yisroel mitzoras hashibud.(Rashi)
Nistemu eineihem v'libam shel Yisroel is the ideal that we all strive for!
Ayin Ro'eh, haLev chomeid....... the result is unwanted. :-[
While the great & holy Yaakov Avinu was alive, the eyes & hearts of Klal Yisroel were shielded under his influence & in his great merit. Now that he wasn't around anymore, they needed a new way to achieve this state.
Yaffe talmud torah im derech eretz sheyegias shenayim meshakeches avon - torah & work/labor are good because through toiling in them both sinning will be 'forgotten.'
After Yaakov passed away the eyes & hearts of Klal Yisroel were able to remain closed due to the difficulties of the Shibud Mitzraim!
The Alter of Kelem (?) said: If a Jew doesn't make Kiddush, then the Goy will make Havdala! - If a Jew doesn't keep himself sufficiently holy & apart from all non-Jewish influences, then the gentiles will forcefully set him apart! As we saw in Germany 70 years ago!