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Yesodos A to Z by Battleworn

Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Part 2/2 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

n) Every effort and every good ratzon (desire) adds up, and at the end Hashem brings the salvation in the merit of everything together!

o) The effort that we invest in this area has unparalleled significance and power (for example, we see in Chazal that Klal Yisrael merited the splitting of the sea just in the zechus of Yosef Hatzadik having gone against his nature). It is called Midas Hayesod and it's the very foundation upon which all other Avodas Hashem is built!

p) Every time we hold back from sinning is many many times more significant than the times that we chas veshalom stumble. It's on these successes that we can and must build, while being careful not to concentrate on the falls (except lito'eles). There's no place at all for the "All or nothing" attitude!

q) Hashem wants our hearts! We must realize how much lust distances us from Hashem and we must want to give it up completely. If we try to stop sinning but we continue lusting, it won't work. Giving Hashem our hearts is the very core of Torah life!

r) The lust we feel is only a "levush" (a disguise) that the Yetzer Hara puts on our longing for Hashem. At the source, these desires are really holy of Holies - a powerful all-encompassing yearning to be close to Hashem. By fulfilling this true inner desire and developing a closer and closer relationship with Hashem, the lust will disappear. It also follows, that by weakening this disguise, our longing for Hashem will be able to shine through much stronger. We therefore need to work on both aspects at the same time (developing a closer relationship with Hashem at the same time that we cut back on the lust).

s) We need to have "Bitachon" (faith) that Hashem will save us if we do our part. Bitachon means that we need to be calm and rely on Hashem, while at the same time putting in maximum effort. Feeling "stress" in this struggle is detrimental to our battle, besides being a contradiction to Bitachon. Effort is our only duty, but results are completely up to Hashem! It also follows that even if we didn't "succeed", if we tried our hardest, then it was indeed a total success!

[Important note: Hishtadlus (putting in effort) is not a contradiction to Bitachon. Hashem gives us the tests because our fighting is worth so much in his eyes. This fighting is a very integral part of the purpose of creation. The value of one second of fighting is more than the value of the whole material world in its entirety, and it has the terrific power of bringing us so close to Hashem and His Torah! It's the "stress" and the notion that "I am responsible for the results" that we have to get rid of.]

t) We are Holy! Even if we sinned thousands of times, inside we are purely good. The obvious proof to this, is that we are looking to break free. The Yetzer Hara's main objective in getting us to sin is to try and "prove" to us that we are lowlifes. That way, he can weaken our entire avodas Hashem. We need to expose the fallacy and keep reminding ourselves how holy we are!

u) We were chosen by Hashem for this sensitive mission (of revealing the Shechinah in the darkest places). We are Hashem's "special force" soldiers and we should be extremely proud of it! We need to embrace this mission with great Simcha Shel Mitzvah and remember that we are emissaries of Hashem Himself!

v) When one sins, he is not "annoying" Hashem, rather he is hurting himself and distancing himself from the source of all good. It's not "me and the lust" with Hashem on the outside, rather it's "me and Hashem", and the lust is the outsider who gets between us and disturbs the greatest love imaginable.

w) When faced with a test, we must always think "What does Hashem want from me at this moment?". The past and the future are not relevant. When we realize that every moment is given to us by Hashem for the purpose of doing His will in that moment - without any dependence on the past and future, there's no room at all for "yi'ush" (despair).

x) If we find ourselves in the midst of a fall and we stop right in the middle, the accomplishment is even greater!

y) If we were doing well and we chas veshalom had a fall, the past gains were not lost. All we have to do is learn from the fall, bounce back up and continue going even higher!

z) If you searched hard and long and davened your heart out so many times and still don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, this should not surprise you. Hashem in His infinite wisdom knew that for our own good there needs to be a tremendous all-encompassing darkness before Moshiach comes. By continuing to do what we can and not giving up even in such a situation, we are accomplishing the greatest "tikkun" in history, and THAT is what will bring Moshiach!

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