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We Are Hashem's Spiritual Athletes

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Seforim bring that 'avoda' has the same root as a term in shas: '(oros) avudim' - tanned skins. The tanning/pounding process involved to make skins of an animal kosher for tefilin or mezuza and sifrey kodesh.

Are you aware of what is done to these skins to make them kosher for use?

Look up the halochos.

Stretching, pulling, beating, even (in olden days) soaking them in dog cr*p!

Just ask any sofer. This is the process our Torah calls 'ibud'. With the same root letters as avoda (ayin, beis, dalet)!

The internal work a yid goes through in his wondrous process of avoda is connected to this experience called 'ibud'. It sometimes (not all the time) feels like we are being beaten, stretched, pulled, and we just feel like cr*p! Period.

It almost seems a pity that the seduction of 'normal American society' has enticed even G-d's holy nation to believe in an 'easy going' life style'. Even the goyim know, "easy come, easy go"!

'Working hard' (b'simcha) is who we are, essentially and unavoidably. And best of all; it's for our benefit! Hard work, in taking good actions or davening longer or letting go of a ta'ava doesn't have to be a depressing process; we have friends to share with, cry with, scream with, and best of all, rejoice with! We are not alone. And the victory, when we come through it (we always will, if we are sincere in our efforts) is more delicious than any ta'ava could ever claim to be: to be unshakably close with the infinite!?! Noting compares! This is long term, real life happiness! It wont 'glitter' and shine all the time, but isn't it obvious already how secular 'shiny' culture is essentially 'gold plated drek'!?.... Go ahead! Keep a secular style for a while! You'll look great! ... And soon wonder where the smell is coming from...

Ask any athlete who worked hard and tasted sweet victory. How much infinitely more so us(!), Hashem's spiritual athletes!

Best of all, we have more than any Olympic athlete could ever dream of: Toras Emes GUARANTEES(!): "If someone says, 'I have worked hard and I have not been successful, don't believe him'. If someone says, 'I have not worked hard and I have been successful,' don't believe him. If someone says, 'I have worked hard, and I have been successful,' believe him!!!" (Megilla, 6b)...

In other words, a Jew being unsuccessful after trying hard is not reality from G-d's point of view. It doesn't exist (don't confuse success with money. Plenty(!) Of Jews are not wealthy by any means, and have great shalom bayis, healthy children, are loved by the community, and are happy with 'sipuk hanefesh'). Hashem sees us Jews as hard working, accomplished, healthy and happy with our lot.

He says clearly in His Torah, straight to us:

"Easy?", "I don't believe you".

"Not successful?", "still I don't believe you". "

"Hard working AND successful!?!", "YES! Now I believe you!"

Our compassionate Father's words, directly and lovingly spoken to each and every one of us, one on one.

You have a wondrous success story of your own... Hashem is on your side, always,

With simcha, Go make it happen :-)